
If you commission art, please refrain from using genAI to generate ref images. Because at the end of the day, any usage of exploitative AI directly supports the plagiaristic AI companies and their exploitation/theft of creative labor. There are so many ethical options you can use to create refs.
A client was like "my friend put the stickers you made me into AI generator and this is what came out" and I wanted to fucking scream. I just said that sucks and ai sucks.
Man, what the hell. It's alarming how some folks seem to think that they own the full copyright of the artwork they commissioned as a private commission :/
Yeah, it wasn't him but his friend so Im less pissed but so shook at like "WHY WOULD YOU PROUDLY SHOW ME?!"
True, but your client still thought there was zero problem in allowing his friend to feed your art to generative A/I. Not cool. I really wish folks would educate themselves more on the tech they use.