
It has gone largely un-reported, but treatment of gender dysphoria for young people in America has drastically degraded over a short period of time. Part of it is due to bans on care, but that's not the whole story.
Important story by Pro Publica describing how the Medical University of South Carolina quietly bowed to political pressure and stopped offering gender-affirming care for youth... and failed to even inform the patients and families impacted this decision had been made.
Emails Reveal How a Hospital Bowed to Political Pressure to Stop Treating Trans The Medical University of South Carolina initially said it wouldn’t be affected by a law banning use of state funds for treatment “furthering the gender transition” of children under 16. Months ...
A large number of the most prestigious, well-funded programs have been shut down due to political pressure. Others are dealing with a massive influx of patients, taxing their resources due to an influx of families fleeing states with bans.
The practical upshot is that the exact kind of care moderates say they want- individualized, offering in-depth assessment, with on-site therapists, formal diagnoses, and multidisciplinary care- is what's going away. Patients are forced to rely on informed consent providers for stripped down care.
This is nothing against those providers! I use one- but I'm a 45 year old who's been on testosterone for 8 years. A 12 or 14-year-old kid, especially one whose family is completely new to the notion of medical transition, needs and deserves much more individualized, in-depth care.
Something that lots of people don’t realize is that cutting, for example, a sixteen year old on HRT off cold turkey is itself medically damaging. It’s going to fuck with not only their mental but their physical health. An absolute dereliction of duty.
I’m not so sure they don’t know the damage - is damage the point because of their “sins”? Cynical take, for sure.
They don’t care about that. There are zero provisions for bridging or tapering or anything. If that was a goal, there would be those provisions.
But we all know what they say they want is different from what they really want, which is exactly what’s happening.
Been trying to get my son gender affirming care. Called May 2022 to get appoint to just TALK to a coordinator. Huge waitlist. We got the call last month. His first appointment is Jan 2024. And we’re lucky! Blue city. Blue state. I cannot imagine what it’s like elsewhere.
My blue state uni med center program is having to take hard looks to endure what we can legally do for out of state folks.
Our local provider has decided to 'keep it on the down low' by not advertising their affirming care. They are worried about a backlash. This is an educational, college affiliated program and hospital that is pulling away from affirming care for trans kids/ young adults.