
I know that a DSA endorsement means a lot for campaigns because they put their whole asses into doing field work for you, but at a certain point you have to wonder if the calculus for candidates changes given how big of a liability the DSA can be
I’m starting to think the DSA does not have our best interests at heart
It's just such a bummer. The 2016 Bernie campaign gave the Left electoral legitimacy for the first time in my lifetime and the leadership of these orgs seem to be content to piss that away and go back to being cranks. Such a lost opportunity.
you can sometimes get leftists to stop yelling at each other to yell against something but it’s really pretty difficult to get leftists to converge on a constructive plan in detail
Sometimes I wonder why we don't see anywhere near as much of this on the right, but then I realize: the right seeks only power and control, and solidarity despite differences is the way to get that; the left seeks to solve actual problems, and everyone has different priorities.
Yeah I think this is a good succinct description, like on the right it's just vibes and nothing specific, and also they are of the mind 'everyone for themselves' so they don't really care about each other, so it makes it easier to ally as they're not really invested into each other
They just want to set the environment to their preferences, and then everyone will sink or swim and they don't care about sinkers