
King: gosh joanne sure has been trending a while on twitter King: like, for almost a week straight Poe: oo Poe: er Poe: that's King: yeah that's not good Poe: that's very bad Poe: i don't think it's healthy Poe: it does things to you
Vladimir Nabokov: ok i got a story Nabokov: but i'm only gonna tell it if you all promise not to be mad at me Poe: we promise Nabokov: you promise? Nabokov: you all have to say it Poe: we all promise King: sure we promise Barker: promise Nabokov: swear it
Vladimir Nabokov: ok this is the story of the guy who raised his own child bride Piers Anthony: why would you say something so controversial and yet so brave
King: wow jeez um Nabokov: but before you all get mad at me Nabokov: keep in mind that the narrator is unreliable King: i dunno this really seems kinda... Nabokov: unreliable, goddamnit! unreliable!
King: wow this story seems pretty out there King: and you endorse this kind of thing? Nabokov: unreliable, dammit! i said unreliable! King: cuz i don't think we can approve of this Nabokov: oh my GOD
Nabokov: you had a baby clown gangbang King: WHOA now you're taking that scene WAY out of context vladimir and you know it
Nabokov: you all can't understand this! this is REAL literature JK Rowling: exactly Nabokov: see? she gets it Rowling: a beautifully tragic love ssstory Nabokov: yes a bea Nabokov: Nabokov: what
Wait she said what now (Googling) She said it _when_ now
Wait did she really fuckin say that 🤦
in the year 2000.
A lot of her dumbassery and bad opinions slipped under the radar then.
to be fair, I was 9 at the time, as were a lot of us.
I was a grown ass adult but I was used to fannish spaces for stuff like the Xenaverse where we mostly thought TPTB were dipshits. So JKR being a dumbass didn't mean much to me in '00.
I was 18 in 2000, and I don’t think I would have clocked this for the bad take it is at the time.
I was 28 and would probably have thought of it a vaguely bad opinion but not necessarily a concerning one.
Yeah, “Humbert Humbert made some valid points” was very much the ambient temperature around then.
It was an improvement over the 80s at least.