
Here's what we're gonna do. Most of us. Instead of rage-posting memes and speculating about stuff we have no way to know or control. After today, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna plan for our most vulnerable friends and neighbors. We're gonna take care of the people on our left, & our right.
That's all we can do. That's all we have ever been able to do. We're gonna march and we're gonna vote and we're gonna yell with whatever voices we have, but mostly? We're gonna bring the sick old lady down the street some soup.
If you do not know where your local food pantry is, you're gonna find out. If you do not know who is ministering to the tents you drive past, you're gonna learn. If your kid's school has a fund for kids in need of coats, you're gonna donate, even if it's five bucks.
You and I and everybody else in this are too tired to engage with this bullshit anymore? Fine. Make sure you vote, and then look over your fucking back fence and ask the people you see if they're okay.
We do this no matter who's in office all the time anyway and so all we have to do now is keep doing it, forever, as long as we're alive. I wish it was quick and easy and we could just *vote* and be done but sorry, motherfuckers, we aren't in this for peace.
Re-commit yourselves to the First Church of Helping The Fuck Out and go see if somebody needs their grass cut. Here. Here's foster kids who want, like, a box of crayons, or a hat, or laundry detergent, cripes:
Grant a wish. Change a One Simple Wish empowers you to brighten the lives of individuals impacted by foster care & crisis by sharing their wishes for you to grant. 100s of new wishes posted daily.
A lot of you are pretending that you can be cynical enough that this won't hurt so much. Believe me when I tell you that is useless. You care enough to post LOL WE'RE FUCKED, you care enough to go buy six bags of apples and put them in your community fridge.
Fuck yes. Thank you so much for this thread.
Sweet. I'm sat in a room on my own so the pressure is off.
If you want to help get out the vote there are many orgs out there doing just that too. Amplify your voice.
Looking for a way to save our democracy from home this election season? Postcarding, texting, phone banking - you can do more than just vote!
@getup_GOTV2024 | Linktree. Make your link do more.