Allison Hantschel

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Allison Hantschel

Media for DAME magazine. She/her. Co-founder, Alumna of The Daily Cardinal.
One of the best Sherlock Holmes pastiches I ever read had Holmes admit he should have just shot Moriarty when the latter came to Baker Street, and made Lestrade clean it up later, it would have been better for everyone.
the whole ‘actually, killing the villain makes us just as bad as him’ trope had done incomprehensible damage to society and i’m not kidding
I haven't felt so strongly that everyone around me is losing their goddamn minds since the run-up to Iraq.
four months to galvanize a party that's the political equivalent of herding cats behind an entirely new candidate would require uncharacteristic levels of unity, strategy and messaging competency and I understand completely why strategists aren't keen for it with fascism on the line
It's normal to kind of imprint on doctors who really help you, right? Because my crush on my pain management doc is OUT OF CONTROL. I adore this grumpy elderly dude who sticks needles in my spine. I made him smile today and felt like I won the lottery.
Except for the truly horrifying amount of emails they send me, Lowes has been a wonderful customer experience.
The thing about Tractor Supply is that it's recent growth is driven almost entirely by chicken sales, to the tune of 11 million chickens a quarter. Chickens, famously, are pretty good at making more chickens. Lowes, which has a pretty good DEI record, now sells chicken feed and supplies.
I really have lost my former tolerance for "we're doomed/fucked/it's all over/they've won" takes at this point, in that they're the most dangerous attitudes one could possibly have when confronted with a truly existential political threat (which we still DO have levers to address).
Reposting today because reasons. Also the July 4th Parade just became a fuckin' protest.
Here's what we're gonna do. Most of us. Instead of rage-posting memes and speculating about stuff we have no way to know or control. After today, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna plan for our most vulnerable friends and neighbors. We're gonna take care of the people on our left, & our right.
The newspaper company model: We made the product suck, and blamed the customers for hating it!
My local CVS has locked all products behind glass as, I guess, an anti-theft measure. They’ve also severely understaffed the store. So if you want to buy anything, you have to stand in the aisle for 15 minutes, repeatedly pressing an “assistance needed” button. Masterful gambit, CVS. No notes.
Here's what we're gonna do. Most of us. Instead of rage-posting memes and speculating about stuff we have no way to know or control. After today, here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna plan for our most vulnerable friends and neighbors. We're gonna take care of the people on our left, & our right.
Of all the weird bullshit Trump spewed last night, the one thing I haven't seen anyone mention is when he told Biden, "You didn't stop Israel." Are we supposed to infer from that that Trump wouldn't have let Israel attack Gaza? I thought his whole thing was to nuke the entire Middle East.
The Democratic Party’s reaction to their candidate having a bad debate substantially outpaces the Republican Party’s reaction to their candidate being convicted of multiple felonies, held liable for rape, and owing judgments in the hundreds of millions for defamation and fraud.
Gretchen Whitmer doing push-ups on the floor of her office while this plays in the background
Illegal immigrants are pouring into this country and we're putting them on social security. No pushback on this from CNN.
actual quote
trump: i did nothing wrong the system was rigged against me and joe biden is a criminal tapper: thank you mr president
the convicted felon thing sticks in his fucking craw, choke on it you fucking piece of shit
are they going to ask him about his attempted coup or nah
there will be a non-zero number of people watching this who will come away from this believing that this might be true and you can lay it directly at tapper and bash’s feet
wait did trump just say that democratic states allow after-birth abortion
He's warmed up and pissed off now and it's better but that was a tough beginning.
Jake Tapper could not be doing a worse job
"Every single thing he said is a lie." PUT THAT ON A T-SHIRT.
The good news is that almost no one is watching this except us fuckin nerds.
Tapper just repeating anti-immigrant rhetoric as if it was fact
This is incoherent bullshit and a real moderator would call him on it.
Watching the debate with Kick, age 10, who has been told since 2016 that she can say any swear word she wants about That Man, so this should be interesting.
And it is taking away time and space and oxygen from really radical ideas like "what if we just stopped locking non-violent people up" or "even if we must lock them up, they should have air conditioning and non-moldy food." FFS we cannot get this much attention for anything that would work.
the reason this matters to me is because reactionary anti-AI chatter is devolving into a kind of “well, the fact that it *could* be true says something about society”, when it’s like, no, man, i don’t think some crank making a YT video about brain prisons floating in space says anything at all
"Jonathan Chait, a full-time columnist for New York Magazine, was lightly criticized by a person posting for free on Twitter. This shows that the scale of public debate has tilted too far to the left, and you can take that from me, a person with a column in the New York Times."
My thing with most of this stuff is that it's such small amounts. If you're going to get bribed, and likely caught, DO IT FOR REAL MONEY. Half these guys are willing to risk prison time for six chicken nuggets and one of them has a bite out of it.
The mayor of Portage, Indiana, steered over $1 million in city contracts to a truck dealership, which then wrote him a $13,000 check. The conservatives on SCOTUS—with extensive experience in being lavished with gifts after favorable rulings—say this is very legal and very cool.
This is it right here. For them to be normal, he has to be normal, so they make him normal.
It can't be true that a major party presidential candidate is a drooling incompetent fascist. If that's true what on earth are we doing here reporting on it like its normal? So you resolve the cognitive dissonance by coming up with elaborate rationalizations for their behavior.
This was my experience as a reporter, with most authority figures I'd been taught as a child to respect.
/6 Also my ability to trust DEA agents’ worldviews uncritically did not survive contact with DEA agents, who were frequently unsupervised manchildren you wouldn’t trust to watch your dog Memorial Day weekend. Not ALWAYS though. Just OFTEN.