
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
the unexpected thing about Talking To Your Representatives is that it can actually work, if enough people are similarly mad about the same thing. you won’t get the elected on the phone. but they will hear about it from their annoyed staff, who might not have time to do anything else
You have to be SOOOOO annoying and hopefully convince other people around you to be equally annoying
Like this is where Karen energy is needed. You need to be on that “can I speak to your manager” shit. Act like you’ve been double charged for your salad and need a refund.
Facts. When my dog had a UTI, we couldn’t get the vet to write a script over the phone. So I went to the office with full Karen energy asking for 5 minutes to talk to the vet. 20 minutes later I left with the script. It was being the worst version of myself and I felt bad, but I got what I needed.
Being a total asshole has saved my life and the lives of loved ones on several occasions when officious insurance pricks were all "nothing we can do" OH YEAH MOTHERFUCKER YOU WANT SOME?!