
Being really annoying is praxis. Phone, email, fax, show up in person if that’s an option. Just don’t let up until you’re too irritating to ignore.
the unexpected thing about Talking To Your Representatives is that it can actually work, if enough people are similarly mad about the same thing. you won’t get the elected on the phone. but they will hear about it from their annoyed staff, who might not have time to do anything else
You have to be SOOOOO annoying and hopefully convince other people around you to be equally annoying
Like this is where Karen energy is needed. You need to be on that “can I speak to your manager” shit. Act like you’ve been double charged for your salad and need a refund.
Ignoring the weird temperance arc they’re on now, MADD literally got federal laws AND public perceptions around drunk driving changed in a matter of a few years back in the 80s through persistence and bullying
and back when the temperance movement wasn’t the worst thing, simply hitting the shit out of barrels with sharp objects got a lot done!
Facts. When my dog had a UTI, we couldn’t get the vet to write a script over the phone. So I went to the office with full Karen energy asking for 5 minutes to talk to the vet. 20 minutes later I left with the script. It was being the worst version of myself and I felt bad, but I got what I needed.
Being a total asshole has saved my life and the lives of loved ones on several occasions when officious insurance pricks were all "nothing we can do" OH YEAH MOTHERFUCKER YOU WANT SOME?!
This is literally the tactic the right have used for decades and it's time the left did the same.
Are we seriously going to let the right beat us on being stridently petty and outraged? That's like Kenya letting the Welsh beat them in the marathon. (No offense to the Welsh. I just wanted a funny sounding country. And sorry for thinking your country's name sounds funny but...come on.)
Kinda. But there is no mirror image. Demands from the right are pleasing to donors and newspaper proprietors. From the left, not so much.
And the right will bomb or shoot you. Or try to kidnap and murder you
Yes, obviously. No mirror image, like I said.
Because I now live in San Francisco, I get to vent my anger directly into Nancy Pelosi's inbox and let me tell you: it helps.
Oh hell yeah tell her I said fuck you
I once sent "As a born and raised Californian, your stance on this is embarassing"
I did that to Kathy Hochul when she proposed a mask ban. Knowing (from former students who were interns in congressional offices) that they count pro/con and characterize the emotional tone in reports to the electeds, even if those guys never listen to (or read) their own messages.
Never underestimate the power of weaponized bureaucracy and Big Karen Energy. The far right hasn’t. I used to do victim’s advocacy in the ER and channeling my mother’s midwestern passive aggression worked wonders with hospital staff, cops, and COs.
Called the State Legislature in NC when the mask ban was under consideration. Told them we were on our was to Asheville/Biltmore and just turned our car right round. (Absolutely true). Asked if we were going to have to leave wheelchairs at the border next. Mama was MAD. 😡
the time to be a Karen is over it's time to be a CAREn
And it wasn't even a GOOD salad. THERE WERE NO GLUTEN FREE ALITOS.
Spite can be a very powerful motivator indeed.
You also have to maintain plausible deniability while being unbearably annoying: be pleasant to the office staff while wearing them down, or they'll label your number, name, and email, and just not interact with you at all.
The key to successfully navigating any large institution is making giving you what you want less annoying than not doing it.
nora: I remember watching a comedy thing about "white woman emails" and the comedian was just describing how my tenants union operates lol. one tactic for a small target is to organise a "phone blockade" schedule so someone is calling at all times during opening hours. fucks up a full day's work.
nora: incidentally extremely fun. setup a groupchat to coordinate the thing and have a giggle with your friends. join a tenants union if there's a local one folks, healthy and productive outlet for your rage. imogen: does feel a bit like this though:
the tenth phone call in 11 minutes is where change happens folks
Yes Be polite to the staffers but be relentless Become that person whom they recognize as soon as they hear your voice
called Senators office over 400+ times in a row during Amy Coney Shutupand Bearit's nomination and they subsequently changed the phone systems to go to voice mail after 5pm. Effecting change in congress by basically driving his assistants bonkers is real
Also helping people who want to be annoying do so in minimal effort, some of us may not want to write a whole letter but we will def copy/paste some talking points maybe edit and send. Did this successfully for a number of local policy campaigns in my city and it helps turn people out!
That’s how the boomers do it. Very effective.
My partner is the talking person and I am the writing person for similar but complimentary neurodivergent reasons. And damn if it isn't the highlight of my day to listen to them on the phone being like "yes, it IS me again." The irritation tells you it's working lol
I'll give it another go. Last time I tried talking to my reps, all that happened was they ignored me, aside from putting me on their mailing lists, so now I get all these notices about who they're doing fucked up shit, because KY politics is like 90% republicans.
See if you can fax them a lot. At least so they have to clean up after you.
is an option for you? they can fax or email or i think snailmail for you now. i know emailing is free through them tho. i've not ended up on email lists (except theirs) by using their service.
They sell “coins” in packages of 128 for $3 and faxing is 30 coins fyi
it is so annoying but it does earnestly stand to reason that if you’re annoyed enough to call about an issue (annoying inconvenience waiting on phone to voice an opinion to a stranger) you are a high propensity voter regarding whatever you’re calling about.
Additionally, mail, fax and possibly email in addition to calling can boost your range on contact.
I called both my senators today. Bennets staffer said their phones have not stopped ringing since yesterday. Hick’s agreed the senator should support AOC’s articles of impeachment against Thomas and Alito! Make some noise people. Keep calling.
I always use my phone calls to work on my British accent. Being annoying can also be creatively fulfilling!
l man, this is how the Right does it. Cultural conservatism is a minority ideology, but its adherents win because they are willing to be deeply unpleasant and are counting on the rest of us to give them everything they want while muttering "Christ, THIS fucking guy," and so far it's worked for them
this is my wheelhouse and you actually are the first person who made me glad i tapped through my mute for “praxis.”