(Atomic) Tank Mom

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(Atomic) Tank Mom


PNW ungovernable critter hellbent on loving people and feeding them good food. Makes things and thinks out loud. Genderfluid nonbinary (but nbd)
I’m not cool. I’m just drawn that way.
Best thing about Reddit is the 22 year old girls going “my perfect boyfriend keeps setting my childhood mementos on fire and smearing shit on the walls, how much weight should I lose so he stops” and the 36 year old women are like “babygirl here are six poisons they won’t screen for in the autopsy”
I locked myself out of TikTok (intentionally) and feel better for it. I have struggled my entire adult life with social media. I’m frustrated that it’s intentionally engineered to be addictive, and I have a brain wired towards that propensity. I feel preyed upon.
I love my raspberry pi, but it is quite the little stinker when the drive randomly decides it doesn't want to be found and I have to re-flash the dang thing. I'm learning, though. I'm getting there.
Seattle friends! Know how the city has been planting saplings to replace trees that have died from heat/drought/age? The city does not actually water them regularly! In this dry heat, a lot of them are dying. Gator bags say they need 15 gal/week. If you see one in distress on your street, adopt it.
When you read dystopian literature as a kid, you don’t really process how exhausting it will be actually living and processing through this shit.
I blocked myself from TikTok because of recent news and surging doomerism. Maybe I can take my life back just a tiny bit, as a little treat.
What I love about Ursula Le Guin is that her work is ultimately about the intense inherent value of humanity and human life, and of the ways we live humanly- eating, sleeping, reading, working, loving each other.
Some old art because I haven’t had time or spoons to make new stuff in years #octopus #digital #oc featuring Marla and Sagira, time and start-crossed loving ships in the night.
My child turns seven tomorrow. I asked how they feel about it. They said, “anxious, like I’m losing the rest of my life.” I asked for clarification and they declined, saying “nevermind.” I subscribe to radical optimism because it’s the most responsible thing I feel I can do as a parent right now.
I don't think I ever posted the finished Octopus. Here he is in all of his glory.
I’ve been pulled into the gravity of the #furry community once more. I haven’t participated since I was still in highschool (a lifetime ago) but lately I’ve been yearning and now with a new beginning here I’m saying screw it. Here I have the beginnings of an octosona. #sketch
It’s my first post and I just want to throw out there that sometimes I draw when I can override the lizard in my brain that screams at me to scroll #art #sketch #furry #firstpost
End of feed.