magnolia siddell

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magnolia siddell

cartoonist, mom, having a good time
I honestly think Dracula decks are so good for me in Marvel Snap because people just straight up forget that Dracula is there and what he can do. They just don’t seem to account for the potential gain in points.
Getting there… I’m coming my love
I love to express my opinion on the internet!
Sometimes I think that Al Gore not being elected is “where it all went wrong”, and then I realize how stupid it is to assume that the first major political event that I personally was alive to remember is “the big one”
It drives me nuts that Sun & Moon are I guess considered “mid” Pokemon games now? Still the best of the past four gens, maybe one of the best of all time. Great story, great location and theming, fun exciting and CONFIDENT, and a funny memorable Pokedex.
I want to watch the cartoon movie about the ducks because I think the ducks are cute. Well bye
It might seem small but I really think everything about life would be greatly improved if we did away with automation in offices, emails, etc. No phone trees, no automated emails, just hire human beings to answer phones and emails and direct calls. It’s so much better in every way
The current thing about classic literature has me thinking about how resistant people are to old movies, especially those considered The Classics as if they are homework and not electric entertainment. CITIZEN KANE fucking *moves*. More than today they made those movies for mass appeal.
Avatar just saw this at the library I work at- do you know this one? :]
New page of Golden Boar! It updated an hour ago and I totally forgot! Lol 🐗✨
New page of Golden Boar! It updated an hour ago and I totally forgot! Lol 🐗✨
This is worth sitting down and reading. It's sources are cited, all the information is verified, it ain't just a random Tumblr post. I'm not gonna say it made me suddenly LOVE Kamala but it did make me rethink her history on trans folks and how much of the narrative is folks parroting back and forth
i haven’t fact checked all of this yet, but the links are in there it seems Harris may have been unfairly maligned as transphobic, in the way BIPOC women get the blame for everything she’s apologized for her mistake, and may in fact be the most pro-trans presidential candidate EVER
hatsune miku made that the article linked in the original post is a members only medium article. i've copied the contents of the article under the cut to increase accessibility Kamala Harris’s Record on Trans Rights Isn’t…
while ad revenue isn't what it used to be and the pandemic made it even ~worse~ i still ask folks to whitelist lies within on their ad blocker! it's a totally free way to put a lil' money in an artists' pocket every month & i appreciate u so much if you do this
I know we all want to see less ads these days, but if 1 or 2 ads on an independent comic website promoting other independent comic websites that adds up to a little bit more money into a creative's pockets is a deal breaker for you, then maybe re-evaluate what you think supporting the arts is!!
Another day, another stranger complimenting my two-year-old on his advanced vocabulary ☺️
I would love to be proven wrong about this but I feel very bummed about all the posts that are like “Biden here’s your chance to do [all this awesome stuff]!” as if that bitch had even an ounce of courage or heroism in his body
A pretty cute thing my son learned from his daddy is to say “Hello there kid” in a sort of gravelly Humphrey Bogart voice. It’s pretty funny to see him use that line on other kids at the playground
I think this is probably the best thing that could have happened but god this is all so wild and scary lol
I like early 30 Rock when Pete was a real character and Liz’s good friend and funny and competent. Kind of a bummer all they could think to do with him was make him a pathetic loser. :/
This episode aired in 1994 and no other joke about American politics has held up that consistently for so long.
Remember when people actually got mad because Loki x Girl Loki was problematic. Lol what a dumb internet we all share
The surgeon who helped my son regain his mobility is raising funds for research and treatment at the Hospital for Special Surgery. He's riding in BIKE HSS 2024. I am not! I'm not good at riding bikes. But I joined his fundraising team so I could help out. Will you help?
BIKE HSS: Jonathan Rosenberg - Hospital for Special Surgery
Hard to prove that I would still feel this way if I didn’t know the subject of the song was such a hateful person, but it’s kinda amazing how the lyric “she’s in her mid-20’s, real intelligent” immediately backfires and makes her sound like an idiot lol