
I just finished reading this book about Hitler's rise to power and how it was aided by a number of establishment right-wing figures in Germany who were playing cynical games and should've known better. Eerie parallels to the US today. Highly recommended.
The Forgotten History of Hitler’s Establishment The Nazi leader didn’t seize power; he was given it.
The book I’m releasing next year also talks about this—I wish THIS book had been available when I was writing! (Wonder if I can read it in time to make final rounds with CE?) my book is trans rights in interwar, and how anti-LGBTQ and misogyny was part of Hitler’s antisemitism propaganda.
Presently rereading Rosenbaum's Explaining Hitler for the 1st time in 25 yrs, and much that was history then now seems much more applicable to recent ongoing developments.
Been meaning to read this for years. Thanks for the nudge, Jack!
This is also happening in several countries across Europe - including my own. But watching what's going on over on your side of the pond horrifies me. I'm worried that Tr*mp will get away with his crimes, and genuinely terrified that he'll get a second term. Democracy everywhere is at risk.
why does hitler look like he’s doing a photoshoot to promote a movie
Second one looks like he's about to do the Fake Mr. Beast pose.
I am sick of Hitler. I think I know everything bout him now at 71. Don’t repeat. That’s the only message. Cue shot of Mussolini. Hanging. Upside down. Don’t talk much bout that.
Ooh I’ve not read that one thank you.
Yep. It was all legal until it wasn't. They didn't appear out of no where, they were supported and elected and allowed to transgress
Eerie parallels indeed, to today's Germany as well. (The country & language which have, without a doubt, the highest output in research, education, and publications, on this very subject. 😔)
"Democracy doesn’t die in darkness. It dies in bright midafternoon light, where politicians ... make faint offers to authoritarians and say a firm and final no—and then wake up a few days later and say, Well, maybe this time, it might all work out, and look at the other side!"
Maga'ts do not understand how dangerous this is unfortunately, they use the term Nazi, and do not understand the destructive nature it brought
"Don't worry, we've just hired him." Franz von Papen, demonstrating how to ruin your country and half your world with one spectacular misjudgement.
So many Papens in the Republican Party.
Something I think ppl don’t always know is that he failed, kept his followers, and came back more powerful. I think Donnie is dumb but not incapable of the same.