
Long ago, Republicans recognized that their ideas and policies were becoming increasingly unpopular But they also learned that the way around it, was to: 1) seed the Judiciary, particularly SCOTUS, with true believers, and 2) buy press and media outlets to push pure BS drowned via repetition
Believing you are too smart to be influenced by propaganda is the surest sign that you're being manipulated by propaganda
Avatar This Sinclair focus is excellent. Thank you.
Should loose license immediately
Watch them to find the local advertisers, call them and tell you no longer use their service if they continue to advertise on a propaganda local affiliate. Word gets back to the home office fast when they start losing advertising $$. Tell your like -minded friends.
There is zero grounds for license removal here.
So. Und jetzt eine Bitte an ALLE Kampagnenmanager d & : Die Gruppen wie oben sind Eure Feinde: Eure tollen Botschaften u Kampagnen werden auch auf diesem Kontinent buchstäblich ERTRÄNKT in einem Meer von multipliziertem #Ampelbashing Da hilft nur #Gegenhalten 💪🏼🌻🌹
Exactly why I NEVER watch the local Sinclair news channel. Could smell their bias and misinformation years ago.🙊
…that *bear the imprimatur…
And the interwebs are throughly saturated.
This is a thumb on the scales, in a way that straight-up opinion pieces would not be.
Anddd more from your colleagues from , who are dissecting and debunking Trump campaign #fakes , which: yes, we know, literally EVERYTHING in Trump world is a fake. But the more one sees how clumsy all these fakes are and how easily debunked,the more furious one becomes:
Trump’s FRAUD EVENTS Finally Get the Treatment IT MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on how critical it is to have rapid response efforts call out Donald Trump’s campaign built on fraudulent stunts and li...
When did it happen? Which year was it? That #Journalism has been completely massacred and hollowed out for stupid, dumby blatantly clumsy PR campaigns? I'm afraid it's been a while ...
It is the Bannon method. Flood the channel with crap.
So this is basically just the 21st Century Drudge Report now. And instead of it just being ABC's news room, it's practically all the media now.