
"at this point, democrats probably realize that Trump is going to just win in November" is an absolutely disqualifying statement for any pundit. Like how the polls showed a massive red wave in 22? Lethal admixture of doomerism and stupidity.
If for no other reason, turn out to vote to spite the “men who have never done anything but sniff their own farts” club.
It is fucking July! Every election we've had since Dobbs has had polls massively overate the GOP! And you're throwing in the towel?
Nate wants Trump to win
Feel like it should be noted that the pundit went to great effort to deny that Dobbs could possibly have any negative electoral effect on the Republican Party
Nate silver joins Linus Pauling in the getting so high off their own farts that they feel entitled to —and often do—completely disregard the basic tenets of their field, and based on being smart in their field, they dunning-Kruger themselves everywhere else.
My grandpa was a biochemist and he talked about meeting Linus Pauling later in his career. Pauling was telling him all about his vitamin c mega vitamin therapy, and my grandpa asked him about a control group, and Pauling told him, he didn’t need a control group.
During the pandemic Silver tweeted about how he'd been studying various rona-related diseases for a majority of his life, and then lost his mind when people pointed out he had never tweeted or written about such studies at any point in his life before 2020.
And he then went down a lab leak conspiracy rabbit hole that was embarrassing even for a guy who seemingly believes he's the smartest boy in the room.
Pauling won 2 unshared Nobel Prizes, basically invented multiple fields of chemistry, discovered the cause of sickle cell anemia, and decided that taking 3 grams of vitamin C a day would prevent the common cold, cure cancer, etc. Also became of large proponent of “negative eugenics” for a decade.
Wish he really did have noahpinions to share
Plus it's irresponsible as hell to give a group that already tried to overturn an election fuel for their possible second attempt by preordaining his victory. Real bizarre stuff