Nora Benavidez

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Nora Benavidez

Senior Counsel / Director of Digital Justice & Civil Rights @ Free Press.

Free speech, democracy, innovation. Formerly free expression @ PEN America, litigation @ ACLU.

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I’ll be testifying before Canadian Parliament tomorrow at their hearing on Big Tech Giants & their evasion of accountability. I’ll present on exclusive research we are releasing tomorrow, examining the last yr of policy backslides & layoffs at Meta, Twitter, YouTube.
Shadow-banning social media content? Quite likely, but bc the platforms operate w/ almost total opacity, we don’t know how it’s occurring. I spoke w/ abt why understandable concern you’ve been downranked or shadow-banned is so combustible and divisive:
Instagram users accuse platform of censoring posts supporting Users say their posts no longer appear at top of feeds and some suspect platform is shadow-banning, or demoting content
“We have distorted the information ecosystem,” said Benavidez told “The end result always being that ppl will be less engaged. People will be less sure of what issues they care abt, less aware of why something might matter.”
Fact or Fiction? In This War, It Is Hard to Social media is full of false and misleading posts. The rise in A.I. is making it worse. And the trust in traditional news sources has declined.
I wrote @just_security why poor platform integrity — largely failing & in retreat across major tech companies — helped bad actors exploit network vulnerabilities & amplify tension, division, conflict surrounding Israel/Hamas. Proud of this piece:
Social Media Platform Integrity Matters in Times of Twitter’s failure to moderate content about the Israel-Hamas conflict should be a lesson for other social networks.
The FTC is ramping up scrutiny of data brokers, a largely unknowable set of actors who gather our data & give/sell/store untold amounts to other companies & govt. Reining in the data broker sector is essential to addressing data privacy violations:
Analysis | FTC consumer protection chief puts data brokers on The agency is dialing up scrutiny of companies' privacy practices.
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I wrote for Rolling Stone why the crushing of the #StopCopCity movement is symptom of dangerous US democratic backsliding. Local ATL & GA officials over-criminalizing free speech betrays decades of hard won First Amendment & civil rights victories.
Why Georgia’s Latest Assault on Free Speech Is So Authorities in Georgia cracking down on protest opposing the "Cop City" police training facility is part of a nationwide assault on free speech.
I wrote for Rolling Stone why the crushing of the #StopCopCity movement is symptom of dangerous US democratic backsliding. Local ATL & GA officials over-criminalizing free speech betrays decades of hard won First Amendment & civil rights victories.
Why Georgia’s Latest Assault on Free Speech Is So Authorities in Georgia cracking down on protest opposing the "Cop City" police training facility is part of a nationwide assault on free speech.
Free speech 101 🧵 for Elon Musk & everyone: 1/
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Is the Trump indictment an attack on #freespeech? A short legal 🧵:
Tune in tomorrow where I’ll be on to talk abt the Musk effect of targeting speech he dislikes, how that’s affecting platforms’ role in our democracy & ahead of 2024.
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The Fifth Circuit just temporarily stopped the lower court’s ban on communications between govt and social media companies. The weekend is a great time to read about Missouri v. Biden and why the lower court ruling is so troubling for free speech and platform integrity efforts:
The Era of Big Tech Minimalism: Missouri v. Biden Gives Platforms Cover to Retreat From Election Judge Doughty’s ruling is an imperfect cover for platforms to do less ahead of the 2024 election cycle, says Nora Benavidez.
En route to Miami for the NAHJ #nahj2023 intl convention. I’m opening the conference for all attendees, kicking off three days of Latino media engagement. Join us mañana & catch me with Yahoo News, CNN, Poynter friends speaking abt #disinformation in our Latino communities.
This new era of social media co’s doing less & less, I’ve named ‘Big Tech Minimalism’. Read my piece on why the Missouri v. Biden ruling is bad for free speech & democracy, the latest cover for platforms to do less ahead of 2024:
The Era of Big Tech Minimalism: Missouri v. Biden Gives Platforms Cover to Retreat From Election Judge Doughty’s ruling is an imperfect cover for platforms to do less ahead of the 2024 election cycle, says Nora Benavidez.
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“While we’re covering the issue of how the gov’t can or cannot engage with Big Tech, we’re not talking about Big Tech failing to do its job of moderating lies,” Benavidez said. I appreciate for elevating civil rights & researcher voices:
Social media injunction unravels plans to protect 2024 The companies and the government spent years expanding efforts to combat election interference after the 2016 vote; the ruling undoes much of that.
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“While we’re covering the issue of how the gov’t can or cannot engage with Big Tech, we’re not talking about Big Tech failing to do its job of moderating lies,” Benavidez said. I appreciate for elevating civil rights & researcher voices:
Social media injunction unravels plans to protect 2024 The companies and the government spent years expanding efforts to combat election interference after the 2016 vote; the ruling undoes much of that.
As I spoke with of “This ruling is an imperfect cover for platforms to do less ahead of 2024.” Thanks for the excellent piece. As DOJ appeals the ruling, we’ll continue monitoring the legal precedent Judge Doughty set & what it means for free speech.
SCOTUS struck down affirmative action today, undoing decades of progress. It makes me all the more committed to innovative civil rights wins like we had in the Ninth Circuit last wk. Now, plaintiffs can bring suits for platforms’ algorithmic discrimination:
Why a Recent Court Decision Is a Huge Win for Digital Civil An appeals court ruled that Facebook can be sued for allegedly discriminating on the basis of race and sex in housing advertisements. Here’s what that means.
The 9th Circuit just ruled Section 230 does not provide immunity for Facebook discriminatory algorithmic practices. Honored we Free Press filed an amicus brief w/ ACLU, Lawyers Committee, et al in this case & thrilled about implications of the ruling for digital civil rights:
U.S. Court of Appeals Rules that Meta Can't Use Section 230 to Evade Liability in Case Claiming The court ruled that Facebook can be sued for allegedly discriminating on the basis of race and sex in housing advertisements.
It was a fantastic evening at the White House! I was honored to be there to celebrate Latinos in power.
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BREAKING NEWS: Judge sets low bond amount in Atlanta Solidarity Fund bond hearing. After the DA gave a flimsy presentation on evidence, the Judge says "I don't find the evidence real impressive" & "There is not a lot of meat on those bones" Our friends & comrades will be out tonight!!! #StopCopCity
YouTube is dead wrong in asserting that removing false election content curtails political speech w/o meaningfully reducing real-world harms. Election lies & call for violence absolutely inspire real-world harms. This is the wrong direction:
An update on our approach to US election Today we are announcing a new set of updates on YouTube to address and protect our community —providing a home for open discussion and debate during the ongoing election season.
Compliance is just a price tag nowadays. Between the Dominion suit, Irish commission fines on Meta, examples abound where billionaires pay for “compliance” in lieu of real accountability.
Amazon Settles FTC's Ring and Alexa Privacy Lawsuits for $31 The FTC reached two landmark settlements with Amazon, one for violating kids' privacy and another for letting creeps watch home security camera videos.
This morning, Atlanta Police Dept raided The Teardown House & arrested 3 organizers w/ The Fund provides legal defense and bail support for First Amendment protected activities in Atlanta & surrounding area. This new move appears to be part of a larger crackdown.