Thomas Huling

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Thomas Huling

Public defender. Democracy fanatic. Skeets not legal advice, opinions my own (but you should listen to me and I’m right).
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JD Vance going from 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I oppose him' to 'Trump is America's Hitler and that's why I'm running to be his Vice President' -- truly, what an arc
Reposted byAvatar Thomas Huling
Here’s the thing about the Vance pick: it’s probably unhelpful in electoral terms. But, in terms of governance, it’s further evidence that they’re Going For It. Trump 1 was hobbled in his authoritarian attempt by the admin and GOP. Trump 2 will be aided by both. They’re gonna go for it.
Who do I talk to about the Republicans getting rad as hell names for their policies like Agenda 47 and Project 2025, but the Democrats get lame names like Build Back Better and Medicare For All?
Look, if your team is down by 15 at the end of the 3rd quarter, your QB has taken 3 sacks and thrown 2 interceptions, and you have a decent backup, you bench your QB. You might lose either way, and your starter might shape up if he stays in, but the right call is to bench him.
I’d still vote for Biden if his staff was doing a Weekend At Bernie’s with him. But damn, did they have to test that theory?
Reposted byAvatar Thomas Huling
The thing that also fucking sucks is Biden is a bit stronger now and Trump is not only lying nonstop but speaking even more incoherently than Biden now but my guess is most outlets will have written their headlines at 9:02pm. This is just a fucking nightmare for everyone but Trump's media team.
Reposted byAvatar Thomas Huling
the problem with waiting 40 minutes into the debate to ask Trump about J6 is that his terrible, incoherent answer - confirming that he’d happily do it again - is going to be completely overshadowed by Biden’s rambling the narrative is already set, nobody will care about what Trump is going to do
I was team “Biden should retire.” Then I was team “welp, he didn’t, so now we gotta get behind him, and he’s doing a pretty solid job even though he’s old as dirt.” Now I’m officially team “someone really needs to talk this guy into retirement. I mean I’m not voting for the other guy but come on”
How is it that the last guy standing between an actual fascist and the presidency looks like he’s up past his bedtime?
Reposted byAvatar Thomas Huling
Something something serve “during good behavior” something something
Look, maybe two of the most conservative justices are married to women who support the overthrow of the government, and maybe not. I’m sure we can trust Alito and Thomas to keep their personal feelings come on don’t laugh until I’m done with the bit
Reposted byAvatar Thomas Huling
Being a Twain scholar means having access to a basically limitless repository of kickass anecdotes. None more important than this one. 1/11
Working on a brief today: “The defense anticipates the state will object to (evidence) on the ground that I didn’t give timely notice. In the event this objection is made, it should be overruled because notice wasn’t required. In the alternative, I gave timely notice under the rule... (1/2)
This is absolutely deranged and also I will entertain no more theories because I’m jumping on board with this one
Theory: Andrew got handsy and Kate had had ENOUGH so she put her fist right through his ribcage but cut her hand and now she has like eight diseases and she’s in a full-body tank of Vancomycin while the Palace tries to arrange for Andrew to be found in the wreckage of a yacht or something
Now do every other college too. Yes, it’ll make it harder for my son to get into Harvard. I’m ok with that.
Love prosecutors citing “local practice” as a reason not to comply with the rules of criminal procedure. “Local practice” is whatever they say it is, because they’re the local prosecuting authority. The rules exist so we aren’t all just playing Calvinball with “local practice.”
Reposted byAvatar Thomas Huling
1. "Joe Biden is a vegetable" 2. Joe Biden does something a vegetable couldn't do 3. "Joe Biden is on drugs" <- YOU ARE HERE 4. New Hunter Biden news cycle
“Offer your seat to… people with firearms” Does ACAB include Jimmy John’s?
Idk what prosecutor needs to hear this (actually I do) but if your star witness has a clear motive to lie and they stop cooperating after the defendant is arrested, it’s probably not because they’re afraid of the defendant. It’s probably because they lied.
You know, when the other side is railing against “recreational sex” and legal marijuana, it’s really on the Democratic Party for somehow NOT seeming rad as hell by comparison.
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The disturbing subtext is that Alito believes the Supreme Court controls reality. 71% of Americans support marriage equality but he’s convinced that’s ONLY because SCOTUS made it legal & support would wither if he rewrote the law. That’s a dangerous level of Kool-Aid consumption.
Justice Alito takes aim at marriage equality again, warning that Obergefell means "Americans who do not hide their adherence to traditional religious beliefs about homosexual conduct" are being "labeled as bigots and treated as such" by the state and "society."
Dude, I despise Elon and am more or less financially secure, but Elon could have paid me to pretend to own his alt for a vanishingly small percentage of his net worth. And there are people out there who ostensibly like the guy. It’s the brazen laziness of the fakery for me
this man is talking to himself from his alt to prove it’s not his alt.
Normal people: RSVP is an abbreviation for Répondez s'il vous plaît, which is French for “please respond” Me, an intellectual: respond soon very please
What’s missing from this? Any actual discussion of the impact of pulling SROs. No data on changes in calls for service, response times, juvenile charges filed, use of force, in-school discipline, etc. The plural of anecdote is not “data.”
Some days, my job requires my active participation in injustice. On a related note, I need a drink. Or a shower. Or both.
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lol hadn’t even occurred to me but Taylor Swift has been dating exclusively* union men since the Obama administration *Healy doesn’t count
"Show me your union card"
Twelve weeks are up since my son was born so I’m back on my bullshit. By which I mean, posting online from the courthouse hallway waiting for something meaningful to happen.
Preventing people who hear “we can’t possibly meet the IPCC recommendations” from drawing the conclusion that “we therefore don’t need to do anything because the world will burn anyway” is extremely important
By me: we are definitely late to bending the climate change curve, but it is starting to bend, and that *does* matter.