Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie

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Barred and Boujee aka Madiba Dennie

Words at, and even more words in The Originalism Trap: How Extremists Stole the Constitution and How We the People Can Take It Back
Out now at !
kamala takes the stage as the presumptive nominee to the organ riff from “not like us.” the crowd goes wild when she says “our opponent, the certified lover boy? certified pedophile”
Kendrick shouldn’t be president but he should be allowed to determine the Democratic Party nominee
Reviews like this make me so happy. Accessible (and hopeful!) was what I aimed for, Badinomo People shouldn't need to be a lawyer to understand that the Supreme Court ain't shit and we can do things differently
I feel like I could do at least six. Like I'ma average more than one per two minutes
A 4th of July tradition - asking the Internet how many hotdogs they could eat in 10 minutes. I remain convinced I’d max out at 4. The sodium alone would end me.
This but unironically.
Deeply ironic that immediately before the 4th of July--the annual celebration of the Founders' decision to break away from monarchy--the Supreme Court justices who profess loyalty to the founding era understanding of the Constitution decided to make the president a king
The Originalism Trap by Madiba K. Dennie: 9780593729250 | A rallying cry for a more just approach to the law that bolsters social justice movements by throwing out originalism—the theory that judges should interpret the Constitution exactly as...
"ordinary people have always had the power to reshape justice & the time to do so is right now” _
gotta say between this and the "learn from Abraham Lincoln how to distinguish yourself from people who believe in Black equality" published on Juneteenth it's clear that the vibes at NYT opinion are extremely hostile
i really am going to be logged off for the holiday but i would like to drop off a parting thought: publishing a monarchist anti-voting take on the fourth of july is the strongest possible indication of someone's core, true values
Lots of good resources in the replies here! 👇🏽
I have a question that might be silly I know folks who are deeply socially anxious or have other stuff going on that forecloses going out into the neighborhood/developing traditional community ties, and are skeptical when I say everyone has some way they can contribute How can they help organize?
There is a lot of despair and helplessness in the world, but we can make it less together.
Doing things--finding your team, finding your community--is magical. The feeling of helplessness is there to remind you to find your tiny corner of the world where you have that, where you can pitch in and do something.
But it all came from that evening when we all realized that the Senate was going to hang on the Georgia runoffs--feeling helpless, and then saying, "no, let's do something."
We have never been alone: one of Bree's big selling points was "I know a bunch of people on the Discord who are willing to help," and boy were they ever. We knew romance would pitch in with items and spreading the word. It's been a team effort since the beginning.
By the end of the day we'd smashed our total funding goal. By the end of the auction, we'd raised close to $500,000 dollars, and we keep coming back to it every two years because it raises money and it brings people together.
A little less than four years ago, said "what if we do an auction for the Georgia runoff?" and she and I batted the idea back and forth and picked a name and got a domain name and I woke up the next day and made a logo and got emails and a twitter account.
Anyway, billionaires spend a lot of money on depriving their opponents of the right or will to vote, and they aren't opening their wallet out of the kindness of their hearts. It's because it does, when all is said and done, matter quite a lot
I came to my 14 year old with a concern about social media. He literally took his glasses off, rubbed his temples, and asked: “what have the moms on the internet said now?” 😯🫤😆
lmao I called my local coffeeshop to see if they were open today--my fave barista happened to pick up & she was like yep we're here and also we have almond lemon loaves left [one of my go-to pastries] truly if you want the benefits of being loved you must submit to the embarrassment of being known
Deeply ironic that immediately before the 4th of July--the annual celebration of the Founders' decision to break away from monarchy--the Supreme Court justices who profess loyalty to the founding era understanding of the Constitution decided to make the president a king
The Originalism Trap by Madiba K. Dennie: 9780593729250 | A rallying cry for a more just approach to the law that bolsters social justice movements by throwing out originalism—the theory that judges should interpret the Constitution exactly as...
I'm working my way through Star Trek Enterprise and enjoying it! I feel like it has such a bad rap and I'm wondering if people just judged the whole show by the hilaribad theme song
Great info in the replies!
I have a question that might be silly I know folks who are deeply socially anxious or have other stuff going on that forecloses going out into the neighborhood/developing traditional community ties, and are skeptical when I say everyone has some way they can contribute How can they help organize?
I have a question that might be silly I know folks who are deeply socially anxious or have other stuff going on that forecloses going out into the neighborhood/developing traditional community ties, and are skeptical when I say everyone has some way they can contribute How can they help organize?
confirming my solidarity networks and absolutely tripling down on local connections.
I'm minding my own business wearin some lil short overalls and The Fiancé (who agrees they're cute) is over here laughing bc he just came up with "Old McDiba"