
“I will not use my office to the fullest extent allowable but my opponent will” is a really bad takeaway actually. Just pack the court man.
Like, expanding the Court isn’t even an abuse of scope. It’s a precedented remedy.
Too bad it requires congressional approval...
Not anymore it doesn't. Sounds like just having a few people show up in black robes and telling SCOTUS they've been placed there is totally legal now as long as it's an official order.
It isn't subject to criminal prosecution but that doesn't mean it actually will do anything. SCOTUS didn't say they'd rubber stamp anything a president did, just that he can't be prosecuted. Those justices would have no authority and no lower courts or states would listen to them.
Oh I know in all reality you're correct but it's funny to think about like...9 random judges showing up and sitting down like nothing happened.
"Why are there 18 chairs here now?" "Don't worry about it anyway on to the next ruling...."