Jillian 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

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Jillian 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


She/Her. Director, The Kingery, pendantaudio.com. Audio editor, Tilly’s Trans Tuesdays. tillystranstuesdays.com

Trans, neurospicy, aroace, cat mom, abomination in the seminary. Least horny trans on bsky. What happens here stays here plz.
Of course he does. It’s incredibly on brand for 2024.
President Biden has tested positive for COVID
I have three days until my phone bill is due. I rely on it for mutual aid to survive please help
Any help boosting my MA! I have my phone bill due soon and I rely on having a phone to survive!!
Oof. First time I’ve given myself a bruise with my gender fluid shot. Must’ve hit it just right.
Bumping. Our landlord gave us an extension on rent but we're still about $900 short. I hate doing this. Obviously if you've helped before, please don't feel any obligation to help again, and if you need us to pay you back we will be more than happy to once we're back on our feet.
Last ditch effort here. Gonna be transparent. Like everyone else, we’re hurting bad. My wife works her ass off, and because of my mental stuff, a job is just not something I can handle right now. Good things are in the pipeline but any help for rent is appreciated. V: @jmoran1310 $audiojillian
I’m not sure what exactly they’re queuing up for, but it must be pretty good if they’re behaving themselves while they do.
Yay, there are Lake Day pics! This is the best one, from a group pic. Cropped out everyone but me and The Doc. Felt very cute! (And yes, we have matching swimsuits, don’t judge)
Exhausted (positive) after Big Queer Lake Day with friends. Turning into a pumpkin now that we’re home, but it was a good time. Forgot to get pic in swimsuit, next time perhaps.
the only Discourse i want to engage with today:
The Black Hole. Disney went for the fences with their riff on Star Trek/Wars. It’s not great and very confusing at times but everyone is committed as hell and it’s just darned fun.
Alright timeline cleanser time: What are some bad movies that you unironically love? I don’t mean like MST3K love here. It’s not a good movie, but you enjoy it on its own merits anyway I am starting with The Accountant
Progesterone dreams are amazeballs. Unfortunately the flip side means that the nightmares are fucking horrifying.
*furiously rubbing lamp again* "Oh it's you again, why have you awoken me once more?" "I figured out a second wish, can I still use it?" "Uh, sure; why not. Ask, mortal! And it shall be granted!" "No more multi-stage mobile ads where you have to tap a tiny close button in the top-right corner."
*rubs a lamp, a genie appears* "Greetings, mortal! I can confer unto you three wi..." "Smaller feet." "Whoaa—people aren't usually this quick. Are you sure? I could grant you infinite riches! ETERNAL LIIIF..." "No, I want smaller feet that don't hurt all the time. You can have the other two."
It’s been a year. I’m still unpacking a lot about our relationship. I wish you’d wanted to know your daughter instead of pining for your son. I like to think you get it now that you see the big picture. I do miss you though, Mom. I hope the Dr. Pepper in heaven is even better than at McDonalds.
Sure you’re gay but are you “so gay even my cat munches box” gay?
3 years ago (pre-everything) to now (32 months HRT). Gawrsh. Same dress (my first one!) Mot sure what face I was making in the first one.
3 years ago (pre-everything) to now (32 months HRT). Gawrsh. Same dress (my first one!) Mot sure what face I was making in the first one.
Still true nearly 50* years later *31 since the movie came out
who is this anna may person all the girls are talking about? i think they’re japanese.
... Wanda? Like Wanda, Wanda? Oh shit. I'm gonna get destroyed all over again aren't I? And I'm going to enjoy every single second of it, aren't I?
Sandman Season 2. More casting. Are you excited? I'm excited.
Last ditch effort here. Gonna be transparent. Like everyone else, we’re hurting bad. My wife works her ass off, and because of my mental stuff, a job is just not something I can handle right now. Good things are in the pipeline but any help for rent is appreciated. V: @jmoran1310 $audiojillian
This guy waiting at the car care place is straight up snoring and I’m like “you go right ahead, enjoy the rest, you probably work your ass off and needed the break.”
WANTED: Life Unfucker. Experience needed: just be a competent adult, I’m horrible at it. Compensation: ummm… I’ll cook?
While I’m just throwing out random brain droppings, do spiders ever get itchy?
Every movie, tv show, and radio program still extant that is more than 40 y/o should be readily available to the public from the comfort of their own wherever. Studios can still own the copyrights or whatever, they’re the only ones who can make *money* but to preserve media history, let’s do this.
Talking to my wife last night and the convo turned to onlyfans. I made the mistake of half-jokingly saying I’d thought about making one. She said if I wanted to, she’d be behind me all the way. (Not sure if that was a pegging joke) I suppose there’s a market for middle-aged plus-size trans gals…
Periodically, I like to reread my favorite Scottish poem: Batman's Aff His Nut by Robert Florence.
Creepily accurate! I’ve spent nearly my whole life in this area. www.nytimes.com/interactive/... (gift link)
I see the 2013 NYT dialect quiz is going around again! I am one of those people whose origin can be pinpointed in like two questions, lol. (I grew up about 20 miles west of the three cities highlighted.)
Loved him in Clue, but he seemed like a guy who had fun no matter what he was doing. If you get a chance, track down Fernwood 2 Night and its sequel America 2 Night and watch him and Fred Willard make comedy magic together.