Auld Bendy

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Auld Bendy

Pie eater in Sauceland. Bendy in a chronic kind of way (hEDS). Interested in disability and children's rights. And cats, obviously.

She/her. Views are my own.
Cool to know that Scotland isn't the only place with an insect season. Midges for those who don't know. Those little feckers.
I love how in Denver, “Moths” is an actual season. Just a month where moths are fucking everywhere, bonking around, being idiots.
Well covid is definitely on the rise again- I know three people that have it (my partner is one of them). He's done two tests - both negative. The GP said he definitely has it based on these symptoms: Nausea Loss of appetite Shivers Headache (on and off) Chest tightness Be careful out there!
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I was on a bus yesterday sat in the back left corner. There were empty seats all around me. A man around 50 came on and sat right next to me - essentially blocking my way out. He could have sat in at least 10 other seats, but no, he had to sit right next to me.
Clarence in his 'natural' environment
Well I may have ended up getting on the wrong bus and I had to walk a mile further than expected but the beach is worth it
Looks like the beach is just winning
Looks like the beach is just winning
Right lads, I'm knackered but I have my Wednesday afternoons off for health and wellbeing. What should I do today? I'm going to do some resistance exercises as is usual, but should I also: Go for a walk at the beach Play the guitar/piano Go for a big nap Do some baking I can only do one!
Right lads, I'm knackered but I have my Wednesday afternoons off for health and wellbeing. What should I do today? I'm going to do some resistance exercises as is usual, but should I also: Go for a walk at the beach Play the guitar/piano Go for a big nap Do some baking I can only do one!
My word, I always forgot just quite how bonkers the summer holidays can be in social care. I can barely keep up.
I put on my Goldfinch t-shirt to bring me some joy to get through this day. It's not even midday yet 🤦🏻
Shite 2/5 of my team have got covid, the other 2 are on annual leave including my manager. I've been awake since 5am with cat shenanigans. Send me luck that it's not a busy day for me today.
Shite 2/5 of my team have got covid, the other 2 are on annual leave including my manager. I've been awake since 5am with cat shenanigans. Send me luck that it's not a busy day for me today.
The anti-tourism thing is really gaining traction all over isn't it. I totally get why the Spanish towns/cities are the loudest voices. I just read an article about the problems in Majorca and I go on FB and everyone I know seems to be on holiday there. Restrictions need to be put in.
This is an incredibly brave thing to do. I just hope this means that England is actually going to do something for vulnerable and care experienced children and young people. They should take a look at Scotland and Wales for some ideas.
Labour MP Natalie Fleet says she was pregnant at 15 after being Labour MP Natalie Fleet has told GB News an "older man" groomed her when she was a child.
Favourite books at 12: Dracula - Bram Stoker at 16: The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath at 22: The Crow Road- Ian Banks now: Le Petit Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Favorite books at 12: Pet Semetary, Stephen King at 16: Rock Star, Jackie Collins at 22: Disclosure, Michael Crichton now (a 30 year gap): Monk and Robot series, Becky Chambers
I went for a lie down and Clarence came with me. He then got stuck trying to go between drawers so now I'm sitting on the bedroom floor comforting him whilst he's still in a drawer.
How it started - perfect makeup/hair and sunny. How it ended - wet, very wet. Thanks Edinburgh summer
There's talks about changing my job title to Quality Partner, which, considering we're in Scotland will mean that when I tell people what I do for a living, they'll think I'm just a really great girlfriend. That's my job.
We may have created a monster. He has to have so much medication at the moment we had to wake him up. He's going to start demanding this
I'm so excited about my trip! Anyone here taken an overnight ferry to Belfast before?
Just booked a day trip to Dublin! 16 hours each way (door to door) with an 8 hour overnight sail included in that. Booked myself a fancy room with a balcony. Twice the price if flying but none of the anxiety! I'm so excited and I get to see my cousins!
I love Rusks and a bonus thing is my partner thinks its weird to eat them so they're my special little snacky snack. Win/win
Just booked a day trip to Dublin! 16 hours each way (door to door) with an 8 hour overnight sail included in that. Booked myself a fancy room with a balcony. Twice the price if flying but none of the anxiety! I'm so excited and I get to see my cousins!
Fun and games with the golden Girls
I'm oot of the hoose! Waiting for my mum and her best mate at the train station
I'm oot of the hoose! Waiting for my mum and her best mate at the train station
Welcome to Clarence's world of boxes. They aren't for sale, don't you dare touch them and if you bring a box with you, you'll not be going home with it.
Clarence is still trying to figure out how to sleep in his tiny box
I don't fits, I still sits
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Little known fact: Alvin had to wear this A on his shirt cause he was an adulterous whore
Reposted byAvatar Auld Bendy
Nothing sums up Scottish summer like buying linen trousers one week and new fleecy slippers and a dressing gown the following week.
Last 4 films watched. I have the say, I enjoyed them all! It wasn't my first or even second time of watching BTILC though.
Happy #LetterboxdFriday! What's YOUR #LastFourWatched? I observed a day in the life of the Beatles, listened to a coming-of-age movie where the music had more to say than the film, thrilled to Godzilla's return giving everyone headaches, and moseyed back to one of my favorite Westerns. #Letterboxd