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Clothier, vocalist, neurasthenic.
This Allagash Pomme is so appley a bee noticed and landed on my coaster (at the Toronado).
It’s time for an extra wet martini made with the very floral gin I got for my birthday.
I made a bunch of potato pillows for the living room to surprise my husband so he can take a Friday afternoon nap on a comfy sack-o-potato.
“Why do I feel so drunk from this cider? I didn’t even finish it!” Oh, ok, It’s 10.5%. Good job, gus.
Recurring nightmare as a child: Black tv screen void, the Sesame Street muppets clumped together at a distance. They start lunging forward as a group, throbbing from side to side, like muppets do, getting closer until they begin to come through the screen, and they all have very large, sharp teeth.
There was a Care Bears movie where the bad guy's sidekick was this evil floating book that was open and had a 3d face coming out of it with glowing eyes. I was convinced it was floating right behind me at all times. Terrifying. Share your kiddie Nightmare Fuel!
I can’t get over this normal photo of a normal pup at the dog park. (Taken by
It was time to make the old family bierock recipe again!
This guy has been stealing the peanuts we put out to befriend some crows and now he’s our friend. We call him Little Fucker.
I know I don't have a large network, but a neighbor's house burned down yesterday - there was already a GFM to help them deal with racist attacks on the family, it's been updated with the fire news. Sad day in our neighborhood.
Someone burned down a neighbor’s house today (they’ve been receiving racist threats for a month) and then my husband was mugged while sitting on our own stoop. I live a block from a famous postcard view and I love our neighborhood, but I hate today.
The guys on the corner made 1000 Jell-O shots. The crowd is psyched. Athletes, all.
Wishing a happy Bay to Breakers runs past your house day to all who suffer/celebrate.
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Dang. How many handshakes does it take for you to get to Hitler? 0. Me 1. Donald Jackson, Calligrapher to the Crown Office 2. Elizabeth II 3. Edward VIII 4. Hitler
How many handshakes does it take for you to get to Hitler? 0. Me 1. Next door neighbor (son of Nixon's economic advisor) 2. Richard Nixon 3. Herbert Hoover 4. Hitler
When you are a normal person who just happened to spend hours perfectly centering a pattern on various areas of an extremely delicate piece of silk voile to make the most lady-at-brunch top to ever be worn to brunch.
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The Jardiance song might be the only one on the playlist in hell
It had been too long since I made an Aviation. Photo by as usual.
This one is for - My dad and Romeo. Based on the house, late 60s shortly after my parents got married. Romeo was my older brother and the first cat I knew. He lived 18 years, a lover til the end.
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I happened to be in DC and joined the marched to the Supreme Court the day she testified. My heart was already broken for her (and me and you and) when I got there. We are not meant to survive and recover, we’re meant to suffer and say thank you for the opportunity.
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Absolutely enraged by this detail in Christine Blasey Ford's memoir
It’s Saturday night and a Black Manhattan.
omg I just got the Amazon scam call from the article! I have never felt so relevant!
Subscribe to Katelyn! She’s interesting and talented, and she writes about important things - and I don’t want to stop reading her.
Ok here’s the deal. My career as it is now is not sustainable over the long term. Rn I have 456 paid subs. This has been a long time coming but I need to get my Patreon to 570 paid subs by the end of April or I’m going to have to seriously cut back on my writing. Link to follow
The most exciting thing that will happen to me this year.
It’s Clam Angel. Of all my families ornaments, I understand Clam Angel the least. Clam Angel.
Mug check
Oh, are we doing a mug check? Mine is specially made by my friend to be large and grippy for when I'm unsteady.