T.C. Aurelius

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T.C. Aurelius


Failed academic, software developer, cat person, parent of children, maker of pizza, skeptic of your philosophical system
It's been a long week. I'm exhausted and dispirited, but I'm here. And so are you. We made it. We will not go quietly into the night. It's Friday afternoon, and that means something. At least one good thing:
"The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from California for 5 minutes."
I've gone to look for America
It's been a long day. A long week. I'm tired. But I'm still here. And if you're reading this, so are you. I'm glad you're here. It's Friday afternoon and that means something.
Somehow I got it into my head that the tables at the reception should be named after planets instead of numbered. So every table was labeled with 5x7 picture of a fictional planet. I stuck everyone I didn't like in the back on Z'hadum.
So 12 years ago this week, we got married, after being together for 8 years. I never really expected to have a "big wedding" but I'm glad we did. It turned into a de facto family reunion for my large Italian extended family. And a lot of them have died in the last 4 years.
We got married in Youngstown, a city I hadn't lived in in decades because it was dramatically cheaper than any of our other options. Not willing to have a Church Wedding, we rented space in the concert hall downtown.
"SCOTUSMech Online" "Wokism will be eliminated." "You have 30 seconds to comply."
but god help us if they manage to build a mech
Quoteskeet with an image of who you heard at your first concert. Name the artist in the alt text.
Someone will say that doesn't count but 1) fuck you yes it does and #2 is this
Having breakfast on the patio. Dublin morning tea with milk and sugar Banana bread with butter On the radio is Crosby, Stills, and Nash, with Neil Young
It's been a long week. A lot of things have happened. I'm really tired. Exhausted really. But I made it. And if you're reading this so did you. I'm glad you're here. It's Friday afternoon and that means something. At least one good thing.
I didn't do it. I just went to see who the CEO is
Using an image or a GIF, show a movie you are sure you have seen more than 10 times.
Using an image or a GIF, show a movie you are sure you have seen more than 10 times.
The children found this small ritual idol buried in the back yard. It may be a relic of one of the cultures who lived on this land before us. It looks possibly Etruscan to me.
It's been a long week. I'm tired. A lot of things are going on. But we made it. I'm glad you're here. It's Friday afternoon. And around here, that means something. At least one good thing. No, for you, two things:
Shohei Otani for comparison.
I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Brits showed up to the World Baseball Classic (which Japan won) dressed like this:
I would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the Brits showed up to the World Baseball Classic (which Japan won) dressed like this:
I thought of this one.
Sometimes I remember that time I got an AI colorize machine to colorize something for me.
Meanwhile, at least one of those hats is in a museum already