T.C. Aurelius

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T.C. Aurelius


Failed academic, software developer, cat person, parent of children, maker of pizza, skeptic of your philosophical system
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Just remember: the fascists do not have to win. It is not inevitable.
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All of the people indulging in these fantasy Democratic primary scenarios think that people vote reflexively because it’s what they themselves do; they don’t realize that turnout is a product of hard work. Unseen, unheralded work. By unseen, unheralded people.
I don’t know why they think pissing off the door-knockers and canvassing power of the party will end well, but these people don’t understand what they refuse to see
T1: get out of here, you silly rodent T2: that's so rude! I'm not a rodent! I'm a chiropteran!
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project 2025 has come up in my celiac groups. they are attacking food & safety labels
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a;sdfkasdf;af lmfaoooooooooo yes i love it cry harder
Here's some fashy tears for your Sunday.
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Y'aaaaaalllllll how cute is this planter I got today
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Honestly I feel deflated seeing the response to “depiction of white Christian nationalism ascendant” be cracks about inbreeding, or glee at concentrating these people in rural communities so they can eat their own
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Rules lawyer Ginny strikes again
Technically, not on the counter Also technically, a fragile jelly bean
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This will also makes graduate school much, much less accessible—because teaching helps students finance their education—and less effective, because teaching the basics patiently, over and over again, and figuring out the pitfalls, really helps cement your own understanding.
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Oh are yall forgetting how many liberal white ladies tapped out when it came to schools ? Or how white women led the charge to target school programs
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As the daughter of a Black Vietnam vet who suffered life long pain from a service related injury but was constantly turned away from care by the VA I can’t even bring myself to read this. My father eventually died of a treatable condition at 62 b/c he was sent home to take ibuprofen by a VA doc.
A 2017 internal Veterans Affairs report shows Black veterans were more often denied benefits for PTSD than their white counterparts. The analysis crunched claims data from fiscal year 2011 through 2016. And disparate treatment started after WWI when it was still called shell shock. It continues.
Black veterans were denied VA benefits for PTSD more often than whiteswww.nbcnews.com “Ever since I came back from Vietnam, I knew that I had a problem, but I didn’t know what it was," said one Black veteran.
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They are already bragging are and how this went to “Rich” people like this isn’t specifically on a Black campus During a time of ( purposeful) Black underemployment . And a general abandonment of support for Black issues that the Manhattan Institute has already said was the plan
lol it’s going to be so stupid in ten years when exclusive schools for rich people brag that they use real human teachers
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Important penguin news
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Someone on Instagram said Michaels' Halloween was for the lesbians this year and they were NOT WRONG
It's not my socks making me look 40 years old. It's my gray beard, my bad eyesight, and t-shirt tucked into my cargo shorts.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
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and then somehow for whatever surely unrelated reason she was absolutely pilloried in a million different articles for being mean to poor dear sweet innocent Sarah Huckabee Sanders and forced to apologize even though nothing she said about her was untrue or even THAT harsh
Just a reminder that Michelle Wolf nailed it at the White House Correspondents Dinner. NYT, I’m looking in your direction especially.
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Because I got a few new followers recently: A project I’m especially proud of is a weird little mostly one-person horror drama podcast called GONE It’s about a mentally ill woman who wakes up one morning to discover that everyone in the world seems to have vanished sunnymoraine.com/gone/
Gonesunnymoraine.com There’s no way to plan for being alone. There’s no way to plan for what comes next. This is a story about what happens when the world goes dark, and everyone else is gone. Gone is a serial horror fict...
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Rwanda took 240 million pounds from the Uk and that ghoul Braverman to take refugees and at the end got the money and will take no refugees. Well played, Rwanda, and also a wonderful example of how conservatives manage money while fucking citizens over with "austerity" and "spending cuts"
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You will never convince me that a person who punched someone in the face once is much, much more morally culpable than someone who cheats and steals for profit.
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one of the most dishonest things people in my profession do is pretend as if “the story” and “the narrative” isn’t something they have direct control over
Could we GoFundMe journalism? I mean, it's good enough for cancer
What are our chances of ever having a real, effective news media again? How do we make that happen?
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Mutual aid request: Pumpkin has a serious chronic illness and is in dire straits. Please help me spread the word, and consider pitching in if you have a nickel to spare. Thanks, my moops.
hi, i just realized i don’t have enough for rent and i’m over due on some bills and i cannot afford all of my meds right now if anyone can help i would greatly appreciate it. sharing is very helpful too. and if not that’s ok too goal: $2,300 venmo: GalaxyLost venmo.com/u/GalaxyLost
Venmo | Lost galaxyvenmo.com Venmo is a digital wallet that lets you make and share payments with friends. You can easily split the bill, cab fare, or much more. Download the iOS or Android app or sign up on Venmo.com today.
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can we put some other ppl as the face of online privacy instead of snowden and assange
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We’ve been getting a great tutorial on why so many people distrust the mainstream media since the debate. Reminds me of William Randolph Hearst promoting the Spanish-American War to sell more papers; these folks liked the Trump years because it made getting clicks easier.
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Two layers of mushrooms with a garlic/olive oil sauce. No badgers or snakes harmed in the making of this pizza.