
Beware the beautiful abstractions that subtly replace the requirements of the software with their own preservation
(I’m not subskeeting anybody, this is self reflection)
Do have an example (even an invented one)? This is not something I've come across, but maybe I didn't notice it.
Almost any time you say “Everything is a _” you’re in danger territory. “Everything is a list” or “a tree” or “a stream” tends to lead to a lot of work spent preserving that idea
it’s almost like binary thinking results in imprecise software & outcomes once you get above, like, machine language. 🤔
i want to make it very clear this is not me throwing shade at . software engineers are absolute poets for being able to express the nuance of reality to machines that think in either 1 or 0.
This is such a gorgeous way to describe what we do. 😍
as a product manager who can write sorta decent code in a handful of languages, i have immense respect for all software engineers & developers. y’all are able to write philosophy that impacts reality. that is an existentially cool skill set.
i taught myself enough full stack stuff to minimize the amount of annoying questions i ask engineers & so that i could write & submit basic af bug fixes for FOSS projects i love lol 10/10 would recommend for everyone.
Coding is mostly therapeutic for me, its basically like stimming Coming up with an idea, break that down into separate functions, write em out and tie them together with over-arching logic It is soothing :)
They can trick lightning trapped in rock into thinking. They're wizards.
It genuinely feels that way sometimes. I tip tap on my little keyboard and the computer dances for me. It can feel like actual magic.
But fortunately not an existentially terrifying one, unless we really are in a Charlie Stross novel without realizing it
sometimes it rocks pretty hard