Ava Gurba (she/her)

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Ava Gurba (she/her)


MS in Neuroscience, autism research | Autistic, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy | Anime lover, casual gamer | Part of Disabled in Higher Education | Social Media Editor for Autism In Adulthood | Twitter: @ava_nicole23
On Tuesday March 19th at 3 to 5 pm ET, Dr Dora Raymaker will be presenting a talk to the AJ Drexel Autism Institute titled "Leveraging the Power of Autistic Expertise & Systems Thinking in Employment Services Research". You can register for the event here: drexel.zoom.us/webinar/regi...
The New Yorker took on ABA, and did OK (aside from unfairly representing ASAN's position on communication). Glad they talked to Tiffany Hammond, esp. about families with few choices, rolling my eyes about usual parent suspect insisting ABA is necessary for high-support autistics (it is not).
The Argument Over a Long-Standing Autism Interventionwww.newyorker.com Applied Behavior Analysis therapy has a troubling history, and even many supporters say it was used too widely in the past. But has criticism of the practice gone too far?
There is a loneliness pandemic in the US per US Surgeon General Dr Vivek Murthy (PD Soros conf keynote). Got me thinking. My article in TIME magazine on the paradox of independence and loneliness in autism. time.com/6551520/lone...   #autism @pdsoros @opedproject #disability
The Pervasive Loneliness of Autismtime.com The pursuit of independence is deeply American. But, even if inadvertently, it’s fueling disabled people's loneliness.
🗞️NEW PAPER🗞️ Barriers to healthcare & a ‘triple empathy problem’ may lead to adverse outcomes for autistic adults “It was life threatening and nearly killed me because I was too ill & too disabled to access doctors” Read free: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/... @autisticdoctor.bsky.social
The Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee has released its 2022 Summary of Advances in #Autism Research. www.autismpolicyblog.com/2023/12/iacc...
The Autism Life Course Outcomes Research Program, where I work, at the AJ Drexel Autism Institute at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA is looking for a Business Manager! This position is hybrid and offers a flexible work location Please share! [link] careers.drexel.edu/cw/en-us/job...
Got "Empire of Normality" by @drrobertchapman.bsky.social this week and very excited to read it and see how I can apply it to my work.
I've submitted my first INSAR poster today
My column on the inability of universities to move beyond the same old metrics of success for faculty, leaving teaching, public service, and lots of other good things they say they want on the sidelines. www.science.org/doi/full/10....
Groundhog Daywww.science.org As a long-time academic and university administrator in the United States, I’ve attended more meetings than I can remember about what “counts” toward faculty hiring, promotion, tenure, and other...
Social Media Alt Text notes: When you do alt text for images of text, be sure to note if you have highlighted or otherwise emphasized part of the text through formatting. Also note if that emphasis is in the original or if you added it. These are important cues for context and clarity.
Cool new paper today from Eric Rubenstein et al. on autism prevalence in medicaid claims data (looks to be about 1% of the enrolled population as of 2019). This underscores the importance of Medicaid as a major insurer for the autistic adult population (and the payor any future services will deal w)
Autism Prevalence Among Medicaid-Enrolled Adultsjamanetwork.com This cohort study uses Medicaid claims data to estimate the prevalence of autistic adult enrollees.
Disabled In Higher Ed's "Disabled in STEM/Academia Literature" spreadsheet is a collection of articles, blogs, etc. that may interest disabled students, staff, faculty, and those with an interest in accessibility in higher education. Bonus for ADHD folks: there are summaries of what each item is.
Glad to see US Dept of Labor is re-evaluating subminimum wages for people with disabilities, as these programs tend to have unfair and abusive conditions, and also violate labor laws. PWD who can work deserve real wages and integrated employment. From ASAN: autisticadvocacy.org/2023/10/asan...
It's nice to be connecting with my community here.
Accessibility should be an attempt to undo ableism, discrimination and alienation towards people with disabilities. This is what it means when we talk about Equity. However, note that Access doesn't guarantee abolishing Ableism. It's much deeper. #Ableism #AXSChat #DisabilityInclusion
Happy Autumnal Equinox! Happy first day of fall! 🍂
Moving to Philadelphia this weekend.
What does a flourishing life look like for Autistic people? How can we reframe the discussion to center autistic well-being, and what sorts of foundations do autistic people need, to thrive? Open access research from Elizabeth Pellicano and Melanie Heyworth.
The Foundations of Autistic Flourishing - Current Psychiatry Reportslink.springer.com Purpose of Review All people—including Autistic people—deserve to live flourishing lives. But what does a flourishing life look like for Autistic people? We suggest that the hidden biases, methodo...
Welcome to the autistic community! A friendly explainer video on what autism is, ways autistic people can experience the world, and ways other people can respect and support autistics. From The Autistic Self Advocacy Network. (Note: Autism prevalence rates are now 1 in 36.)
Welcome To The Autistic Communityyoutu.be Welcome to the Autistic community! You might have a few questions- this video should help you start answering a few of them. (Note this is a re-upload- we up...
Being autistic in the workplace has its challenges. I'm always refusing to agree to impossible deadlines, saying exactly what I mean, demanding processes in place so we don't make the same mistake twice, pointing out the natural ramifications of our decisions, and other embarrassing social foibles
The new movie Ezra shows that when autistic people are creatively involved in telling autistic stories, it strengthens not only representation, but the very quality of a film itself. From Anne Borden King @abking.bsky.social, at Thinking Person's Guide to Autism.
Ezra: Is Hollywood Getting Better at Autistic Representation?thinkingautismguide.com In the new film Ezra, autistics were creatively involved in telling the story—strengthening not only autism representation but movie quality.
Very excited to be recruiting two new Editors to our journal, Autism Reasons to apply: ✅ help to shape the field ✅ chance for learning even at established career stage ✅ stay on top of the literature ✅ supportive team & commitment to excellence journals.sagepub.com/pb-assets/cm...
Autism “health passports” are a nice idea for increasing health care access and accommodations—but if they aren’t created with autistic input, and medical staff isn’t trained to understand autism, then the passports aren’t that useful in helping autistic people get past health care barriers.
A realist review of health passports for Autistic adults - PubMedpubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov There is insufficient evidence to conclude that AHPs reduce the health inequalities experienced by Autistic people. Using an AHP tool alone in a healthcare Context that does not meet Autistic needs, w...