
Personally, I still fucking refuse to bend the knee to these twee-ass Brooklyn trustfund-concealing motherfuckers
Basically the Twitter Class is attempting a party coup
I don't even disagree in principle with them that Biden is not the ideal candidate, it's just abject cowardice to take that position NOW, as opposed to 15 months ago.
Ok. But what about those of us who have been saying Biden is terrible before he was even the 2020 nominee?
Maybe a rethink after the incredible job he’s done as President? I did not support him in the 2020 primary, but he has completely exceeded my expectations.
You mean the thousands of dead children in Gaza who were red misted by bombs Biden gave Israel? Or the now over 1 million US citizens dead from COVID because Biden completely fucked up the response to it? Or the loss of Roe? Or refusing to stack the court leading us to a monarchy?