
Personally, I still fucking refuse to bend the knee to these twee-ass Brooklyn trustfund-concealing motherfuckers
Basically the Twitter Class is attempting a party coup
I don't even disagree in principle with them that Biden is not the ideal candidate, it's just abject cowardice to take that position NOW, as opposed to 15 months ago.
Ok. But what about those of us who have been saying Biden is terrible before he was even the 2020 nominee?
Maybe a rethink after the incredible job he’s done as President? I did not support him in the 2020 primary, but he has completely exceeded my expectations.
Your standards are embarrassingly low and completely ill-suited to the moment we’re living in
The explanation is that Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is currently committing genocide and you're saying he's done an incredible job.
And before you say it, no, it doesn't matter that he's not in charge of Israel. If a person knowingly and willingly aids in a genocide, up to and including picking fights with the UN to defend said genocide, they are also committing genocide.
He has enabled it, he has supported it, he has lied for it, he is GENOCIDE. He is one of many enablers, they all need accountability, and real justice means the Guillotine for all them.
If any of us knowingly supplied weapons for a murder, we would be held accountable (in theory) as an accessory to that murder, if not murder itself.
Not to mention the loss of reproductive rights, trans rights, minority rights, workers rights, children's rights, all under Biden. But, he's doing an incredible job.
Are you from the U.S.? Do you understand how our government works? None of that was done by Biden. He’s easily the best president for labor of my lifetime. Additionally wages are up and unemployment is down under Biden.
No, I'm not from the US & yes, I understand how your govt works, quite well, thanks. It happened under Biden's presidency & there is a whole lot he could have done to prevent it &/or reverse it. Instead, he's done absolutely nothing. Don't try to play that game here.
It IS an incredible job, when you put it that way. Not the good kind of incredible, though.
Just looking at your bio, Biden told people who wanted court reform to shove it up their ass and has presided over a massive spike in the cost of housing, which idk if he’s ever even mentioned. His main legislative achievement was corporate welfare masquerading as climate change legislation
This is not true. Sinema and Manchin said they wouldn’t consider court reform and he would need at least 50 Senators to pass it. He’s overseen the largest expansion of renewable energy. The President isn’t really directly responsible for housing prices, but I’m sure there’s more he could do.
Did Manchin and Sinema say that? I can’t remember, but I know that Biden himself said he wasn’t going to do it. He’s truly delivered on his campaign promise that nothing would fundamentally changed while he was president
It’s really amazing the way these teeth in the ratchet will just enthusiastically cheerlead us toward the edge.
Any gains by the IRA were given back with oil and gas leases, not to mention the fucking assault on Gaza.
What's it like to be so high on your own supply you think Biden is actually doing ANYTHING AT ALL that resembles being an effective president for anybody but corporate oligarchy and the warhawks?
Literally, nothing you can point out that has been 'for the people' was actually for the people, it was for his image and re-electability because they know all the garbage shit he's doing on the other end of the fence.
And his little political marks like you gobble it up and take victory laps while the planet and the people on it are literally DYING crushed under the capitalist heel of policies Biden supports and in fact enables!
Judges, labor, getting out of Afghanistan, basically ending drone strikes, lowering unemployment, rising wages, dramatically increasing renewable energy production, ending the Saudi pricing monopoly on gas, overtime pay regs, getting rid of junk fees, reshoring semi-conductor manufacturing, etc.
And student debt. He saved my sister $20,000!
You and I are in agreement on Palestine. I don’t think there’s a Democrat who’s going to be much better than Biden and I know that Donald Trump would be 1000 times worse. Trump just said last week that Joe Biden is so soft on Palestinians that he IS Palestinian.
Good for your sister. Hasn’t saved me a dime in mine.
Ok I'm still assuming (probably a little markish of me to assume so) that you're attempting to reply in good faith so here goes: Judges: You have literally no room to talk w/ the judicial chaos going on right now Drone strikes: We're trying to build a fucking "Drone Corps" wing of defense in 2025
"Lowering unemployment" You aren't looking at it sector by sector there is a ton of jobs that are being crushed and people who previously had access to middle class income who just don't have easily applicable/transferrable skills, and that is not factoring in that unemployment itself
is a metric which can be (and definitely is) manipulated to disguise how many people are truly homeless and not working in America
In any economy there are winners and losers. Under Biden unemployment is down and wages are up. That is an absolute good. My uncle got out of jail in 2018. He was unable to find work until 2022. Then last year he got an enormous raise. Going from unemployed to employed is huge.
Joe Biden has been excellent on appointing judges who walk more like America than any other president before him. Those drones are to protect Taiwan from China. Do you think that’s a bad idea? And you’re ignoring that he stopped the drone program that Obama used and Trump expanded.
Whoever convinced you that you are safer with the state having your security personally in mind did you a disservice. The fact you used the phrase "walk more like America" is scary. You don't recognize your own culpability in the system of destruction we're dealing with.
Is your main issue that us weapons should be used to murder thousands of Palestinians?
He exceeded my expectations too, but in the opposite direction. Somehow I never anticipated what he has done to Gaza.
it's too late i sold my soul it's too late i sold my... wait huh
You mean the thousands of dead children in Gaza who were red misted by bombs Biden gave Israel? Or the now over 1 million US citizens dead from COVID because Biden completely fucked up the response to it? Or the loss of Roe? Or refusing to stack the court leading us to a monarchy?
This is such a funny thing to say
He has killed more Palestinians than you hoped? That’s weird
lol. Yeah. Incredible. Simply stunning. I’d built up some expectations and he came through and leveled them. Blew me away. Knocked my socks (and feet) off. Put all my doubts in a shallow grave.