
Snipers and tanks were waiting for the crowd by an aid convoy—like fishing with a lure. This is depraved. These people are starving and there is a massacre every time they gather for food. There’s nothing “military” about these targets. IOF soldiers are all cowards and butchers.
This is the 9th massacre in 24 hours!! This is a constant occurrence. Most of the civilian deaths now seem to be from these perfidy massacres at aid convoys, at least the deaths not from famine which motivates these crowds to begin with.
The most immoral army on Earth. Just a collection of plunderers and murderers with no honor who get smoked in battle so they have to set traps for defenseless civilians to feel good about themselves. Disgusting. This is what the US is arming, funding, protecting.
It’s all front page news now. But how long has Israel been terrorizing Palestinians? For decades. It’s funny that it’s never mentioned that Netanyahu propped up Hamas for decades either. Because it’s always been about them taking the land.
At this point I think Israel could call the war Operation Gaza Genocide and the leaders of the west would be wow theres no proof that they intend to commit genocide or war crimed
They have called it a gencode, western leaders are just not listening.
It's an unfathomable level of evil. A new low every day. The fact the world hasn't come together to crush Israel the same way we did Nazi Germany is unforgivable.
Genocide has no limits to its methods or its cruelty maximum death is the goal. Zionists are barbarians.
Meanwhile some Israeli citizens are trying to block aide into Gaza whilst others are pushing past military to claim land in Gaza. And then there’s the West Bank violence against Palestinians
and they have the nerve to portray a palestinian food market as an abundance of resources. israeli scum
The over head jet targeting video is gonna haunt me forever
And now the ceasefire talks are off.