
incredible that the epstein case testimony has been leaked and newspapers are still like "old man old"
well it's implicit in the scotus ruling that if trump ever did anything bad in his entire life it's fine, so don't want to anger the future king
i guess make them come out and rule that it was in his official capacity that he sexually assaulted minors, make them say it, there's already been more blowback than probably anticipated by the decision as-is
I'd love to see them pressed more on all their decisions, they really should be ridded hard by the judiciary committee, but that's all just kind of been swept unde the rug. epstein association should in no way have died with him but that seems to be a tacit agreement too
yah, unless some egghead in the predictive model tank has determined there's a better time, rn i think most media apparatuses are right-wing influenced in their management- the widespread publication of the fact that journos tend to the left a while ago was a call to action, not reassurance
and also never really true! it's just objective facts had a left wing bias, and they can't have that. NYT has been manipulating things for decades, a century even, but now all the mitigating outlets have been bought and/or crushed to make way for unhindered bullshit to keep the masses in line
it is pretty much a constant that the interminable election season monopolizes the news, for many months if noms are uncontested and over a year if its contested
yah tho there's some election-pertinent stuff in these testimonies,
the panama papers were pretty much memoryholed so i dont see why the epstein docs shouldnt do the same