The Dude

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The Dude

To quote Vin Diesel “Da movies” He/Him. Bi 🏳️‍🌈. Host of the Kino Cast
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New Friedkin is a powerhouse
Telling my friends in college “Yeah I love Mr. Beast”
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Said so on Twitter already, but now that Thirsty Suitors is wrapped up, I am looking for more games writing/narrative design work! I’m an award-winning Palestinian-American writer living in Toronto. I love SFF, horror, mechs, and worldbuilding. My email is [email protected]. Thank you!
Started out as ranked but then just became whatever. Lot of films I need to see but still love the work these people do (obviously some of these guys are shits lol, not supporting that part)
If Cooper Hoffman isn’t queer, I’m not making it, guys. I need a shot here
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Btw to my newsky film mutuals migrating from twitter, best way to find film convo is by following the filmsky or “🎥” feed. Once you follow it there’s a pinned FAQ that explains how to post on it and use it that’s very helpful
They’re really going ahead with that Ahsoka show where you’ll had to have watched a cartoon that ended around 6 years ago to understand it? Lmao
Best First watch of the year so far. The Cinema born anew
Going to view Scorsese and Spielberg’s filmographies and do a personal top ten for both sometime. Want to visit the great American filmmakers and further understand my love for their work, I guess
Favorite First Watches of July
Was just thinking about the film and I didn’t realize today was it’s anniversary. Happy birthday to Micheal Mann’s masterpiece in a career of masterpieces and one of the most romantic films ever made
My first Anger. Astonishing film
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People find it so amusing that Elon Musk named his kid X. Yeah yeah. You try coming up with an original name by the time you get to your 24th kid. Everyone in the breeding community starts off with the same hubris, but they all switch to "Kid R, kid S, kid T..." eventually.
I’m so happy, it really is the new Twitter.
Hey so if you're new to Bluesky a neat thing we have going on here is that someone completely loses their mind every day and we all watch
Just found and followed a bunch of big Film Twitter people on here. Maybe it’s not Joever yet.
Hope they can continue the battle on here
Ngl with Elon supposedly changing Twitter to “X” I might migrate here permanently once all the good moots get over here
End of feed.