
PSA: if you're talking about doing actual political violence on social media in public, you are a dangerously ignorant twerp who lacks the situational awareness required to do anything useful for anyone.
If you're taking shitpost reactions to SCOTUS's decision this seriously, you're an idiot
what i am saying is "don't say dumb things on the public internet that could theoretically be used to give authorities an excuse to fuck with you"
Faine, yes it's good to fly low and stay cool, but what I learned back in the late '60s/early '70s is that they don't need an excuse.
Yes, of course they don’t *need* one. This does not mean that it’s therefore pointless to try to cover your tracks and to avoid being seen, and it’s fascinatingly weird to me that some people are interpreting what I’m saying this way.
I took great pleasure when the threat hunting team at work admitted that they couldn't find my online presence. Not that I have anything to hide if course... 😬