
PSA: if you're talking about doing actual political violence on social media in public, you are a dangerously ignorant twerp who lacks the situational awareness required to do anything useful for anyone.
That's why, as pissed as I get at times, I will never advocate for violent actions against gov't officials. It's a real quick way to find yourself in very hot water.
Sometimes my husband and I exchange meaningful glances, but I don’t even like to say that shit out loud in my own home
Considering the T&C's of some apps on phones, that might be wise. A few allow them to use your mic without your knowledge or consent.
And that is how the right wins. They do it all the time and don't care. The law is only selectively enforced on this. And lets be honest, the bad people are not seeing any consequences for what they do.
lots of these people do get caught and punished actually Like, in MA, we are seeing way fewer local Nazi protests than we used to because so many of the CHUDs are serving jail sentences
I think some optimism is good here but also I think if the US is anything like here there is widespread lawbreaking in areas like housing, employment etc and systems of accountability are bleak and difficult so I think the view that the law is only for some people is justified
oh, absolutely - it’s both true that this is the case and it’s applied incredibly unfairly, and also true that a lot of these fuckers do get got eventually
Ya which is awesome, and I love to see it. I just can’t blame the skepticism having been violently assaulted a number of times and the most justice I’ve had yet is someone getting sub $800 in traffic fines lol
They are. Most Extreme Right terror plots are thwarted and the people are sent to jail. Most people wouldn't see that since it's standard criminal investigations and not really "news worthy."
Former medic for forest protectors & antiglobalization mobilizations here: wholly concur. Those publicly calling for violence are: -working off their probation(s) -provocatuers -paid infiltrators -hopelessly stupid -cops -some/all or the above. Block them, flee them: *never* talk/sit/meet with them!
'Is it not enough to know that they are servants of the Enemy?' answered Gildor. 'Flee them! Speak no words to them! They are deadly.'
Is it political violence if it's done by a president who cannot be prosecuted?
According to the Supreme Court, it apparently does not matter.
look, I would never suggest the current president commit illegal acts. I would only ask him to commit "official" acts, obviously
Violence is oftentimes the only language the oppressors in our society speak. But yeah posting about committing acts of political violence online is probably not the best course of action.
Listen if you’re in a country like Ireland game on. Call for as much political violence as you want. Eradicate a guillotine in your garden. Make a pop hit about execution styles. BUT if ur in a country where all institutions have already been eroded & full fascist rule is about a year away, don’t.
But what if that political violence is accomplished by shooting down drones? Two wrongs make a right situation?
If you're taking shitpost reactions to SCOTUS's decision this seriously, you're an idiot
what i am saying is "don't say dumb things on the public internet that could theoretically be used to give authorities an excuse to fuck with you"
is you taking notes, criminal conspiracy, etc.
or at least put some effort into creating a pseudonymous account, which is tbh not that easy plus I’d think the threat model has changed
I got questioned by CSIS once. No matter how smart you are, they will absolutely run ya. Stay away from their eye.
I TAUGHT social engineering and they got me.
Wait, CSIS is REAL? I thought it was a joke
Oh no, they are deadly serious.
I took your post as being something like, "Don't be stupid, stupid."
Bold of you to assume a future fascist regime would need an excuse
well, speaking as someone who used to report in a dictatorship on how activists were using the internet and has talked to a lot of people who were jailed for online speech, i can assure you that even fascist regimes usually pick and choose targets, and it's good to avoid being one.
good opsec is not in fact futile, and anyone who tries to tell you that there's no point is suspicious
Ppl need to remember that even totalitarian regimes have limited prosecutorial resources. China spends a gargantuan amount of money on internal security and it was only able to arrest a small portion of the COVID lockdown protesters who challenged its authority a little while ago.
It will certainly keep your comms safe, but if the softest, most orderly thing you can organize thru secure opsec is going to be met by riot cops -- with the robust support of the gov't and press -- we still have a problem. At least it's easy to remember sound cannons can't penetrate umbrellas.
Yes, it is difficult to arrest everyone. So you arrest the ones that stick out and those connected to them.
If you post any dissent and it goes viral, you may want to consider deleting it. No matter what it is. Even if it is not advocating “direct action.” Right now there is a big difference between “I’m going to…”, “someone should…” and “Biden should…” but if Trump gets re-elected there may not be.
There are 330M people in America, and at most tens of thousands actively participating in the fascist regime project. They don’t need an excuse, but their attention is extremely limited. So, if you’re planning to be a malcontent, don’t advertise that fact
They usually do, actually. Or at least, I'm not sure they *need* one but given how often they *have* them it looks like they often *think* they need it. They can manufacture one to be sure but how much work it is for them probably matters at the margin.
Faine, yes it's good to fly low and stay cool, but what I learned back in the late '60s/early '70s is that they don't need an excuse.
Yes, of course they don’t *need* one. This does not mean that it’s therefore pointless to try to cover your tracks and to avoid being seen, and it’s fascinatingly weird to me that some people are interpreting what I’m saying this way.
And I started my career reporting in a dictatorship on how activists were using the internet, and I’ve spoken with a number of people who have done hard time for blogging and online activities. They all are pretty big on comms security!
I took great pleasure when the threat hunting team at work admitted that they couldn't find my online presence. Not that I have anything to hide if course... 😬
I think we're in agreement. Like I said, fly low and stay cool, but that's no guarantee. Shouting from a bullhorn in the square pretty much guarantees a short career, though.
there’s never any guarantees in anything, but there are things you can do to improve your odds.
With my current job, I'd go so far as to say don't say dumb things on networks you think are private.