
J tonight "I've never been to a presidential library" Me "we went to JFK in 2018" J "that wasn't a presidential library" Me "WTF. Of course it was. What else was it?" J "I don't know but it wasn't an official presidential library" And this is why I hate mansplaining. I WAS THERE.
Sorry bud, there is proof!
I asked him what he wanted to bet. J - I'm not going to bet Me - because it was a presidential library J - no it wasn't I don't care he was wrong. I HATE that he tells me that I am.
This would enrage me so much I might not recover.
His best friend was sitting next to me at the time and was like wow, you are really bothered by this. Just smile and nod at him. I WILL NOT.
“Wow, you’re really bothered by this.” GROSS. They’re both jackasses. “Even if you’re right, be quiet little lady.” I definitely would not recover. That is so rage inducing I’d walk the fuck out. BYW FELICIA.
I would start the biggest fight over this, but I'm also not good at letting shit go when I know I'm right.