
Wikipedia Foundation exhibiting a greater level of institutional support for its frontline than most colleges, universities, and newsrooms -
The foundation that owns Wikipedia said it respects the decisions of volunteer editors after receiving a letter from Jewish groups calling on the foundation to override a move by editors to declare the Anti-Defamation League an untrustworthy source on Israel & Zionism.
Wikipedia’s operator rebuffs Jewish groups’ call to override editors on ADL trustworthiness - Jewish Telegraphic More than 40 Jewish groups told the Wikimedia Foundation that the decision to label the Anti-Defamation League "unreliable" makes the Jewish community less safe.
Also, the idea that if you want to consult with Jewish people, your only option is to ask the ADL. 🙃 Do they really think none of the Wikipedia editors* involved were Jewish? Or were Jewish but not sophisticated enough to opine? Puhlease! *(all nerds to be frank)
They don’t rely on massive individual donors so that gives them the power of independence. Private colleges should take note.
Wikipedia is one of the last bastions of goodness on the internet - cannot remember them being on the wrong side of an issue
Boooooo (probably sucks less from an impact standpoint but still disappointing)
The groups join a long line of people who didn't like something in Wikipedia and went to the wrong place to all for an edit. The bottom line is if they're serious, they need to go through the process of becoming Wikipedia editors.
Remember when you were told that Wikipedia is not a viable source for most academia? Yeah...
I think there's a ton of metawiki pages explaining exactly why this is, and the reasoning behind it. I think it's mostly them knowing they aren't owed free labour, and they only have the loosest sort of control over the content on the site they own.