jon ben-menachem

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jon ben-menachem

criminalization, abolition, labor, politics, journalism—social science theory & methods too. sociology phd candidate @ columbia. UAW 2710
I’ve been 30 for 3 days and these are the ads I’m getting 💀
compared to journalism, is there any other profession where more laypeople think they could do a better job than the professionals?
A detainee at the city’s jail barge who is paralyzed from the neck down after several correction officers tackled him last May remains quadriplegic in Bellevue Hospital more than a year later — while the official who oversaw the lockup has just been promoted.
Jail Official Promoted After Detainee Under His Watch Paralyzed in Officer Carlton James has been in a hospital since being tackled by a group of guards over a year ago. The man who oversaw the unit is back with a raise.
did anyone catch the protest-bashing line in gorsuch's homelessness decision? "It makes no difference whether the defendant is a person experiencing homelessness, on vacation, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building"
very important news: i can now bench press my body weight for working sets 😎
yesterday, i thought joe biden should resign. today, i think joe biden should do one very funny and legal thing before he resigns
i heard that if we all write a sternly worded op ed, joe will drop out
the new season of the bear was a large downgrade
Norway’s largest pension fund has cut ties with Caterpillar due to the US bulldozer company’s alleged contribution to the construction of illegal settlements and other human rights violations by Israel’s armed forces in the West Bank and Gaza.
Norway pension fund sells $69m stake in Caterpillar over alleged involvement in Gaza KLP divests from US bulldozer company over alleged contribution to construction of illegal Israeli settlements
amazing post lol. i apologize for smugposting as someone who spent last night playing video games but i think watching that debate without being paid probably constitutes an act of self loathing
I’ve never really understood why people are so into quoting liberal dissents when bad decisions come down. These texts are basically the impotent insistences of losers…
The ACLU of Southern California is calling for a federal investigation into LASD’s deputy-led jail violence after the LA District Attorney declined to prosecute deputies who were caught on video forcibly slamming an incarcerated man into a cement wall.
The ACLU calls for federal investigation into LASD's deputy-led jail The call comes after the LA District Attorney declined to prosecute deputies despite video of them forcibly slamming an incarcerated man into a wall.
The Bronx Defenders Union just announced that their strike authorization vote succeeded (93%). Solidarity! "Today, we became the first of the alternate providers formed after '94 to authorize a strike in 30 years, since Legal Aid Attorneys United went on strike under Guiliani."
After months of public outcry and pressure from the City Council, New York City’s libraries are poised to have their budgets fully restored so that branches may resume seven-day-a-week service, including Sundays.
NYC libraries to get budget funding back — and reopen on In November, the mayor's budget cuts forced libraries to close on Sundays. The issue has been a thorn in his side ever since.
“While the dwindling of the Israeli left is a tragedy, the reality is that in some way there never was an Israeli left to begin with.”
My Father and the Withering of Liberal Was my family’s dream of a Jewish socialist utopia all a lie?
IDK what the Urban League could possibly be thinking by giving police a new avenue to harass Black people (who wear masks at higher rates than white people, for many good reasons). Shameful.
The National Urban League, ADL, Jewish Community Relations Council, UJA-Federation and "leading Black pastors" are launching a new campaign called #UnmaskHateNY to push for a mask ban in NY state. At least 10 state lawmakers have signed on to it. h/t
Cuomo at +18 net favorability, Lander at +10, Adams at -14. This is making me more confident in my theory that Adams’ more recent embrace of Zionism is an effort to shore up his right flank against Cuomo’s primary challenge
It’s repulsive to see yet another bad faith invocation of Jewish safety to justify yet another expansion of police power to brutalize protesters.
The National Urban League, ADL, Jewish Community Relations Council, UJA-Federation and "leading Black pastors" are launching a new campaign called #UnmaskHateNY to push for a mask ban in NY state. At least 10 state lawmakers have signed on to it. h/t
The National Urban League, ADL, Jewish Community Relations Council, UJA-Federation and "leading Black pastors" are launching a new campaign called #UnmaskHateNY to push for a mask ban in NY state. At least 10 state lawmakers have signed on to it. h/t
it’s striking how many charges against palestine protesters have been dropped. it’s good that reform prosecutors are doing the right thing. but at the same time, this shows how “the law” really boils down to cops deciding who they’ll brutalize
Prosecutors drop nearly 80 arrests from a pro-Palestinian protest at the University of Nearly 80 criminal trespass arrests stemming from a pro-Palestinian protest in April at the University of Texas have been dismissed.
if the bear was about zoomers they would say “yes chat” instead of “yes chef”
The PSA we needed, wow
Hopefully you all heard that FX/Hulu bumped up the S3 drop of THE BEAR, and all episodes will drop in … 15 minutes! Enjoy.
money in politics matters, but it doesn't matter as much as ppl think. imo, folks should pay more attention to interest groups, media, and the structural power of capital
the zionist billionaire whatsapp chat with eric adams and aipac's $15m spend against bowman are really not helping american jews beat back the antisemitic conspiracy theories