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Love to all my trans sisters and brothers

Bluesky's most exclusive Poetry Feed:
Hyperfixated on the same song for a decade. Nazi's are obsessed with her. Slutting around for anyone who can get her an exit Visa. Ilsa is so trans-coded
Date night with Jack: Casablanca (1942) Another movie who's entire plotline could have been fixed by poly.
If you don't get this, go watch Casablanca. It's an incredibly relevant story to today's political climate. It's about a spineless incel who's lost his taste for fighting fascists trying to decide if a girl is hot enough to do the right thing again.
Date night with Jack: Casablanca (1942) Another movie who's entire plotline could have been fixed by poly.
Date night with Jack: Casablanca (1942) Another movie who's entire plotline could have been fixed by poly.
Before I go is literally posting the most important thing on the trans skyline for anyone watching
Taking a week off. If you see me posting before next Monday no you didn't 💞
trans people could build solidarity with each other in the mouth of a volcano
Down and needing care? Let my hand be the one squeezed We'll make our hands fart #makeitahaiku
When you are down and in need of comfort, please let me be the one to squeeze your hand, making our palms fart.
I wish I had a pinned post. I want to go back to silly posting but only for the sisters you know? Everyone else needs to see that pinned up there to know we're sick of this treatment.
FIVE SECRETS OF SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE: 1. Become part of an unknowably ancient demon-worshipping cult 2. Human sacrifice 3. Repeat 2 until you’re rich and powerful as fuck 4. Oops, I’ve said too much 5. Work really hard
the world is very scary, but if the fear is paralyzing you need to stop looking at the sources. as much as possible. because we all have to keep functioning in our daily lives, especially if we want to survive
Wishing my sisters a very "Go make yourself some tea and play magic with friends" day
maybe this speaks to my own trauma responses and trust issues but it does help. having an emotional contingency plan does help
There is not privilege in living a life that is not yours. There's a difference between dealing with the bullshit of daily life, and living as someone who isn't *you*. Death isn't just biological, it's social, cultural, existential. Being unable to live as yourself is cruel
"kiss me like no one’s watching" (sunday pic study)
I am begging people to block and report transphobes and racists instead of screenshotting them and showing them off to everyone like a weird bug they found by the roadside.
I was just thinking this earlier. The blocklists are all gone, and people have stopped blocking the bigots themselves, and just gone back to replying to them instead, putting them onto their followers’ skylines.
#poetry Dear Lilith above I pray for your daughters The other tribes Are chumming the waters As danger it circles We're thrown from the boats The crime of existence Not worthy of votes I beg you make archons Those who shine bright Beacons for others In these dark stormy nights
I checked and hexes aren't against the terms of service.
I checked and hexes aren't against the terms of service.
#poetry Feeling wrung out, was always their goal Played like a fiddle, we bargained our soul Our breath is wasted, though justly annoyed At the end of the day, we're screaming to void Lift up your sisters, settle your heart The problem with "allies", their words aren't worth farts
Enough trans wallowing now give me your trans joy.
Enough trans wallowing now give me your trans joy (Re-upped with some Alt text for clarity.)
Goodnight biskies. Hug your sisters. Make them laugh.
I used to have a body type that I would be attracted to in somebody else. And it always felt like I "should" appreciate looking like that. I felt embarrassed that I was ambivalent about it. Praise never landed for me. I'm finally starting to look the way *I* want. And it's so so much better. 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵
Congratulations Baked_Rachel🏳️‍⚧️, you have leveled up to level 6!
maybe the real dollsky was the discord servers we made along the way?
goodnight turbulent bsky *kisses each of you on the forehead* we dont have to be at each others throats. we are all scared and we dont need to hurt each other, nows a time for coming together. we have bsky friends and family hungry and unhoused tonight. lets focus on that
Dear Mods of Bluesky. That is all.