Katie Didn’t

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Katie Didn’t


enjoy the process 💜

•I’m @pork_chop_hair everywhere else•

Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
my dog the minute he gets out of the bath
If I arrive at your party and you ask me to help cut up the pineapple, I’m mad at you.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
The other night I dreamed about a sudden, thick gravity. It felt like a clear jello we were all forced to live, breathe and move in. Everything felt slow, taxing and awful. “Let’s have sex again”, you said to me in the dream, not noticing a difference.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
Dogs hate fireworks because, like all higher creatures, they detest war.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
My job's cybersecurity training said to "never assume a connection is real" and I was like I'm WAY ahead of you, pal
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
whoa the lighting in this bathroom is really unflattering. i hope
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
The most realistic part of The Terminator is that within five minutes of arriving in America Kyle Reese acquired two guns
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
If it wasn’t so illegal to mail you a rainbow, you know I would.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
The trick is to not think about it too much, but to also consider all of this.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
showing my age by removing my epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, fat, and muscle layers until I am nothing but a set of bones poorly strung together like a secondhand xylophone that plays only in the key of desolation
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
I think places should do more to fuck with tourists. Name every restaurant in Delhi "Indian Restaurant" . Every building in London taller than one story is now the Tower. All water in Australia is Sydney Harbour.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
(exhaling until i've sandblasted away every noticeable contour on your corporeal form) i guess
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
Once I saw a dude podcaster arguing with his lady co host that the New York marathon was absolutely longer than the Boston marathon and he knew because he had run them both and that's the best example I can think of to explain men
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
My biggest kink is when you notice I’m still breathing.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
"whatever" I shrug, as Anubis weighs my soul and finds it wanting
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
Let’s go kick rocks. I signed us up for a league.
Come in, she said I'll give ya shelter from the politics
Taking a break from screaming to let out a few tiny, angry squeaks instead.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
If you accuse me of “screaming like a girl” please know my versatility doesn’t end there. I can also scream like a man, a goat, or an elderly woman. My range of screams encapsulates reckless abandon, transcending all gender, beings and sound. In essence, I Am Scream.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
The air was thick with dust but like dust made of water like thick with misty dust of water fog
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
person that spends their whole life slowly figuring out how to be a human
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
telling the small alien i found that he lacks sincerity
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
Wasn't the whole point of the US that they didn't want to be ruled by a mad king?
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
I’m really into finding out. In fact, that’s the only reason I fuck around.
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
that’s cool babe, hey, i’m gonna go lay in the dark for a while
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
You’re going to love pins bro they’re like bumper stickers for your shirt
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
Kind hippie with a green sock on his hand: why are there so many songs about rainbows? Me crying uncontrollably but in a very cool way: yeah I dunno man I've also wondered this
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
they should make the whole cup of coffee out of the first sip
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
*succumbing to injuries suffered from getting hit by a Smart car* please just tell everyone it was a regular car
Reposted byAvatar Katie Didn’t
Yes I dangled a modifier, but I did it for you.