
I need a comparativist to explain to me the key elements of French success and what has to happen in the US to replicate it in November
more than two parties..
Work really hard for a long time, develop a real left option, convert the government into proportional representation, guillotine all the aristos and ban Christian authoritarians. 😀
Lol I need stuff in the next 4 months!
Oh, sorry, can't help you there! 🤷🏻‍♂️ We could start writing Project 2089, though.
A left that opposes neoliberalism and hence isn't consumed by the same death spiral that is destroying the centre, is probably the most crucial element. I hope aspects of that exist in the US but they'll probably only have a local impact?
i’m hoping wine cheese and good bread
I'm honestly wondering if the party structures are so different in the two countries that it's hard to draw lessons
from what i’m reading it seems so- and in this case is seems like the centrists were the ones who needed to choose between going left/right and they went left, whew
But there are also small lessons, just not ones that depend too much on the structural situation. e.g., If you're one of multiple candidates (not super-common in USA, no) and likely to lose but also likely to enable a fasho to win by staying in, you have to swallow your pride and bail.
You can't because of your 2 party system & the electoral college, gerrymandering & voter suppression. In France multiple parties had to work together & make sacrifices to win & the voters had to also vote smart. This is why, with it's faults, I prefer the parliamentary system.
Ignore the polls done by corporate stooges.
There's also the UK! In some ways, I think the 2022 midterms in the US are like today's results in France: a partial rebellion against revanchism that didn't prevent a weak GOP majority in the House, but did lead to a 51-seat Senate D majority.
The UK feels a bit different to me because of the austerity policies and 14 years of tories. It's interesting because in some ways I wondered if France today is our 2020 election. But again, I think their political structure works very differently.
Austerity policies which are being fucking kept 🤦‍♂️
First the US would need a left wing candidate. It doesn’t have that.
Centrists finding and proactively choosing to make common cause with a functionally united left is what happened, how that happens in the doesn't
change the voting system so that more parties are possible