Kevin Brennan

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Kevin Brennan

Dad, gamer, business architect, professor. BABOK and Digital Product Management guy.
Are drones in the air over Mar-a-lago yet?
This is a sign of serious brand damage. Great work, Elon.
I realized this week that all the maturity models out there are not only ripping off CMMI, but they’re doing it incorrectly and CMMI actually is better thought out than the imitators.
The best font joke I’ve ever seen, which u promptly stole, is “yo momma’s kerning so bad all her hyperlinks say ‘dick here’”
Only partway into’s book and I can already say that the concept of “accountability sinks” will be working its way into my business analysis teaching.
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When I boil it down, I find my feelings about AI are actually pretty similar to my feelings about blockchains.
Grading papers in the era of ChatGPT sucks. I am certain that most of the class is using it to do their papers but it’s impossible to prove, barring incredible idiocy like leaving in the prompt.
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Dear Americans, Other countries exist. They have relationships and interact with each other. When things happen, the reason's often regional/local. Iran and Israel have fought a shadow war for years. The world isn't a reality show with POTUS as main character, where every action is a reaction to him
Got a brief look at the partial eclipse before the clouds came back and screwed it all up.
For a couple of months, my mother’s kitten has been telling my dog that they are best friends whether the dog likes it or not. I think the kitten has won.
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Reposted byAvatar Kevin Brennan
Reposted byAvatar Kevin Brennan
Incidentally, this bullshit is a big part of why I'm not interested in writing singularity-fic SF or near future computer crime fic any more: it's no fun anymore when you can pull back the curtain and see the very real pile of steaming bullshit on the carpet.
The AI cult redux: 1. Nvidia makes graphics cards (GPUs) that are essentially very fast numerical supercomputers. 2. Bitcoin/blockchain happened. To "earn" BtC you have to crunch lots of numbers as fast as possible. 3. People bought so many GPU cards that there was a global shortage ... /1
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AI feels like a real mania, a genuine collective break from reality among the ruling class. They might as well be pouring billions of dollars into an attempt to replace all jobs and knowledge with a large bronze idol of Dagon.
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If you've been involved in running a Kickstarter campaign and have decent marketing knowledge, you might be interested in this position with ProFantasy.
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We have created the Torment Nexus from the famous SF novel “Do Not Create The Torment Nexus.gif
Yesterday’s National Post article about woke really hammers home the point that “woke” just means people telling conservatives that their opinions are bad.
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RFK ads make me glad to be watching the Super Bowl on Canadian TV. The ads may suck but they’re inoffensive.
2023 was…a year. Stressful, not great, not terrible. We finished renovating Mum’s house and moved in, although budget overruns, interest rates, and crazy neighbours made that process a lot harder than I had hoped. 2024 is a new job and with luck a time for us to have some stability in our lives.
I still mask up in public. Relatedly, I have not yet had COVID despite being immunocompromised.
Satan has called him home.
Also I have seen CEOs get fired and that Sam Altman language means he got caught doing something very bad.
So Elon’s gone full anti-Semite and Sam Altman’s been fired? Man, I take one day off from news? I’m sure X is full of hot takes about this stuff but honestly not opening that app seems like a better decision.
One of the worst experiences I’ve ever had at work was being condescended to by people who thought they knew better than I what needed to be done (they didn’t and the company has never been the same). Today I thought about what it must be like for women, BIPOC and others for whom that’s every day.