Kevin Brennan

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Kevin Brennan

Dad, gamer, business architect, professor. BABOK and Digital Product Management guy.
I mean but why? I’m married, wouldn’t want to get divorced but also wouldn’t it be awful having to live with someone who hates your guts?
Lost both and was the challenger each time, although also I’m level 1.
Pretty sure this is true, also I was in school in the 80s and this definitely wasn’t true then. The kids with autism were all in “special ed” classes.
This is a nitpick, as in general I agree with you, but the part about workers getting jobs in other fields is a fairly standard part of economic growth—the assumption is that the new jobs will be higher-value than the ones that are replaced, in the same way that 98% of people aren’t farmers.
I say it’s a nitpick because I share the scepticism that AI can actually do that thing.
The problem is it’s hard to make the case for Harris affirmatively while she is VP without looking like she is trying to push Biden out—especially right now.
Firstly, the implications of the President having a blank check to violate the law are far more serious than the implications of an ex-President being harassed. Secondly, this ruling makes it far more likely that Biden will be harassed because it loosens the restraints.
If she ever did the rage machine would turn on her in a heartbeat, with a white-hot fury rarely seen in politics.
Not that much. The President doesn’t have any powers today that he didn’t last week. I mean don’t get me wrong, this is still bad and likely to have terrible outcomes! It removes any check on the abuse of those existing powers other than impeachment, and we have seen the limits there.
No, while the ruling is terrible it is not quite this terrible. “Official acts” need to concern the authority of the Presidency in some way. The Presidency has no new powers; the problem is that the President cannot be held accountable for abusing the ones he has.
Based on this letter the DA agrees. This is just agreeing to let Trump make his argument, and giving them the time to respond to it.
No, because it has to be something that arguably falls within the powers of the presidency. Drone strikes (as CinC) would be a different matter. Now, a military officer could and actually should refuse that order, but Biden couldn’t be prosecuted for it or for firing people until someone agrees.
Except write regulations.
Are drones in the air over Mar-a-lago yet?
What’s a VP of the Hospital? Is this an American thing?
OK, you aren’t concerned. That’s fine. My point is that it is not surprising that it has been raised as an issue, and it has definitely been raised as a concern with other world leaders younger than Biden. That’s all. US political leadership in general is really, really old.
The number is raw probability of death, not factoring in individual health care (which would reduce the risk, as the President obviously has access to the best). They both report on their health status although Trump’s reports are what you would expect from Trump.
The thing is there’s a legit question not only on how he is doing today but the risk of deterioration or death in the next four years—which is statistically significant! There is something like a 25% chance of either one dying in office in the next term.
In practice I agree it’s a net wash—Biden is older but in better health, and the age gap isn’t that significant.
I think it is relevant—but also telling that it rarely gets raised about Trump who is only slightly younger.
I definitely got the sense that Apple does not consider AI to be the game-changer Big Tech wants it to be but is throwing investors a bone to leave them alone.
I mean I have never seen speculation about replacing the leader during the actual campaign so I’d have to say yes?
Exactly, the point of the maxim is to set aside “intent” and look at outcomes. Diagnose the system based on the results it produces.
I don’t think it was planned, but yes. At best it was an accidental balance of his not wanting to do lockdowns and eventual panic when it looked like disaster was about to strike.