
the worst dudes online are the guys who are like “the time for electoral politics is over, it’s time for guillotines.” yeah bud i’m sure you’ll stop posting and get the ball rolling on the guillotines any minute now.
this basically serves the same purpose as QAnon shit on the right. it projects itself as an aggressive form of political engagement, but it’s really just a retreat into fantasy and nihilism
The difference is that Q Anon has numbers in the street and the Stalin people are just really good at drawing political class attention to themselves online. I cannot stress how much you can ignore them. You go to a big DSA meeting and there are maybe 2 of those dudes there. They represent nothing.
tbh this is heartening about the DSA? this is, now that I am typing it, very dumb of me, but I kind of assumed DSA was like 99% this. like "oh ok you want anarcho-soc or full communism and not actually dem-socialism but DSA is the farthest left we have"
Don’t judge literally anything by the people who are vocal about it online. Especially on any platform that runs on engagement driving algorithms. Personal online experience is the mother of all sampling biases.
that's very true. i think with this stuff, it's tough emotionally because it's like... it's not sports, it's not Star Trek, it's about real lives, real values, real stakes, and i want leftists & liberals to come up with stuff productively together online but... yeah yr right
Social Media replacing traditional media is the worst shit that has ever happened. There are literally AIs that take psychological profiles of us to match us with content that we will find especially annoying / enraging and then presents it in a way where it seems important. It’s like an evil spell.