
Not that it needs to be said but trump stealing credit for congressional dems' pandemic superdole and relief payments absolutely narrowed his loss and still explains a lot of his strength today
I've seen this again and again in articles and personally in talking to folks at the bar. "Trump gave me money and biden took it away (and made everything cost more)." This is the sum economic understanding of low-engagement voters
Stealing credit for good things is a GOP tradition. I mean how many GOP reps cut a ribbon last year on a project they voted against?
Not to mention how it gave an entire generation of online whiners "what about my $600?!" ammunition to use for the next election.
Maybe don’t make specific, numeric promises and then walk them back as soon as it becomes clear you’re in a position to actually fulfill them
Do you seek out places where the worst stereotypes of leftists are being pointed out and jump in to fulfill them professionally, or is it just a hobby?
I don’t “seek out places” where people are lying about the left to cover for the Dems, but I do call it out when I see it. The Dems’ campaign promises and eventual walk-back are public records that can be googled. I don’t think this sort of messenger-shooting actually helps Dems get elected.
Absolutely right it can be googled! The plan was to provide an extra $1400 to bring the total to $2000. The first $600 was part of the relief package that the Dems in Congress fought for in June of 2020. But yeah, you sought this out. Nobody asked you to say anything.
I'm muting you now, though, so reply only if it makes you feel better.
There are people still parroting this silly claim?
The statements made by the Democratic Party at the time were public and can be googled.
To be fair bie could have not done tht, or if he really couldn't do mormore at lt try
One of the most frightening things about 2020 is that Trump But 5% Smarter bullied McConnell into sending out another round of checks with his name on them in late September and glided to a comfortable EC win.
If O were bide I'd have made every IRA fneed project put up a big sign that said "funded by the inflation reduction act - president Joe biden" and a picture of him
Yep. Local NPR had a call-in segment last week re: Bronx residents’ takes on Trump/Biden. One guy called in & said Trump gave everyone stimulus $, & Biden took it away. (Fortunately the show host fact-checked him on that.) Common misconception, & poor Dem messaging is to blame.
Biden did disingenuously frame his round of payments to be lower than the number he said. That was an incredibly dumb unforced error that also contributed to this perception.
Absolutely. Plan A for the GOP is "block anything good that they are doing, and take credit for anything good that they do manage to get away with".
Dems suck at trumpeting their own achievements. They need to get off the defensive and start laying out their successes and plans.