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Your retired Navy shitmate
Ex-arms control inspector
Current cyber guy
Full time shitposting reply guy
King of the GenX normie libs
N-u-d-e-s in bio.
I was just talking to a Spanish friend of mine who’s family was definitely Francoist and holy shit HE brought up the Enabling Act
Like the debate will not change my mind about who I’m voting for in any way shape or form. Trump is a fucking threat to humanity
i don’t mean to judge but i feel like a lot of you would benefit mentally and emotionally from simply not watching presidential debates
Saw a promo for the upcoming ARG vs CHI match and it featured a shirtless Messi and it’s refreshing that an elite athlete in no way shape or form lifts, brah.
Once again - Stuxnet, but for Bitcoin mines and AI data centers
"Entire Town Experiences Brownout as AI Engine Works Overtime to Perfect Image of Three-Eyed, Four-Breasted Mermaid"
Not gonna lie I initially read this as “Furry Alert”
Just thankful I have refused to engage in Star Wars discourse ever since 1999 when I saw that Star Wars sucks
Josef Goebbels regretting he was born too soon for the “handsome rat men” mini boom of the 21st century. Stephen Miller, however, is on the tip of this wave
Ha ha ha Joke’s on you cuz the Supreme Court is going to outlaw any executive branch regulation as soon as this month!
this is the kind of thing that a supercharged regulatory state would just prohibit outright, it’s just an absurdly greedy and clumsy form of rent-seeking that should be outlawed for the good of both consumers *and* the companies making these products.
It’s a 100 percent that higher interest rates have made VCs quit lighting money on fire causing things people grew to become accustomed to start to get priced at market rates.
tend to think this phenomenon explains more than a little of why people seem very sour about the economy. everything seems more expensive, but everything you buy is also a pain in the ass.
Standing in line to collect your paycheck at the cash cage was a pain in the ass
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: I sat in the smoking section of a restaurant.
I recently learned that Mick Jagger has a great-grandson older than a son and this is not an unusual situation for a CrusaderKings player actually
I’m not saying this is right - it’s repugnant. It’s how it is
Pro tip - copy/pasting wholesale sections of a job posting on USAGov into your application has been a pro tip for at least the last 15 years
Students, and parents, employers and professors: take note. “The better writer you are, the greater your chance of getting rejected, because you won't use keywords." www.nytimes.com/2024/05/31/o...
picture on your phone that has your energy that isn’t a selfie.
I suspect I’ll be using this as a meme template for the rest of my life
Finally a statue to replace Bobby Lee on Monument Avenue in Richmond
Unresponsive in the “the paramedics continued to work for twenty minutes” sense one hopes
Queens man found guilty of being a loser who has to pay porn stars to get laid
I grew up on n Long Island and have a vague recollection of “blow job x” being a term of opprobrium but I’d love to hear someone like @bcdreyer.bsky.social weigh in on this usage
Goddammit NY Times the Mount Vernon district of Fairfax might call it “Alexandria” for the cache but it is not in any way shape or form actual Alexandria
I mean this is the thing - I read @radleybalko.bsky.social essay about what it would take to carry out Trump’s genocidal plan and he spent a lot of time on court shit as if Trump and Stephen Miller weren’t planning on giving many people free Pinochet style help rides
when Trump sends his forces around to deport millions of people, they will not legally be allowed to deport US citizens, and *that won't matter*. when the armed man says you have to get in a truck, you're going in the truck. and the law won't help you fast enough if it helps at all.
My brother in Christ if a reasonable livable wage in a given area is 25/hr and it takes 20 minutes to deliver your Popeyes tenders order then an 8 dollar delivery charge/tip is 100% justified
A vast majority of todays problems result from things that feel good being too easy. Takeaway delivery, streaming services and porn are turning us into dopamine junkies with no perspective on life.
Corollary - leave your dishes in the sink for weeks at a time you might discover the next penicillin
At least four artificial sweeteners were discovered accidentally by young scientists putting chemically contaminated things in their mouths. What I'm saying is: "LICK EVERYTHING, YOU MIGHT GET RICH AND FAMOUS AND DISCOVER THINGS"* *not legal or business or lab safety advice.
The FBI used to install software on its informants’ computers that constantly took screenshots. I felt my ghost evacuate when I read that’s the newest feature of a Microsoft OS.
This Copilot+ / Snapshot thing is going to go down as one of the most catastrophic mistakes in Microsoft's history.
Dick Durbin won’t ask about a Supreme Court justice who has taken millions in bribes over the years. He won’t ask about a justice who proudly flies insurrectionist flags at his house(s). What the fuck good is Dick Durbin if he won’t exercise the power given him
Yeah, it’s not “prying into someone’s politics” when they are literally flying flags about their politics. The Alitos have clearly been hoping someone will ask them about their very cool beliefs and, honestly, it feels rude not to ask them now.