
I would bet my entire life's savings that he's saying this solely because he found out part of it is banning porn
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
I’d bet...*something*...that he’s [well, actually his campaign’s—that’s not Trumpian syntax] doing it because he/they think P2025 will damage his chances.
If porn was banned, Trump would be forced to cheat on his wife with a sitcom actress.
this will be my new *taps the sign*
trump is probably telling the truth. he has no idea what Project 2025 is, who the Heritage Foundation are, or what his agenda will be because he doesn't give a fuck about governing or anything else remotely related to what being president actually is.
Someone else wrote that! Trump would never write “abysmal”!