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Reposted byAvatar bastage42
/5 So, in terrible circumstances, think what people before you have endured. Think about how you can support and defend folks less able than you to endure. And fight the bastards.
That’s why bands peak, that’s why bands break up, you are simply lucky if you manage to find enough diverse talented people that can cover the range you want without either imploding or exploding
I get that emotion and drama is ultimately the strength of the best vocalists (and people) but goddammit Musicians are the worst/best people
Reposted byAvatar bastage42
"Yes, I know how cavalierly the Empire built a Death Star and blew up a planet with it, but I doubt that even this emperor is about to upend the universe's landscape again and build another Death Star." -Ruth Marcus, Coruscant Post, 2 ABY
An associate editor at Wash Post wrote this today: "At the same time — and, yes, I know how cavalierly they tossed aside precedent in Dobbs — I doubt that even this court is about to upend the national legal landscape again and eliminate the right to marriage equality" Sotomayor knows better
Oh man lmao
Leon Draisaitl pulling the disappearing German act so hard they're going to find him in Argentina
NHL’d decision to give the Conn Smythe to McDavid will look a lot better when we find out Bobrovski won a lot of money on games 4 and 5 (and maybe 6 but that’d really be pushing his luck)
I’m 52. I’m not the next Shawn Mendes, I get that. The goal isn’t world domination, it’s merely completion. And it’s frustrating I can’t find the time for that.
I have so many songs in my head that I want to share, and I know from surprised reactions of people that have heard snippets that at least some people will enjoy my stuff
I guess I’m just frustrated because I don’t understand how people get it done; there is so much incredible amateur music out there. I don’t expect a Grammy, I just want to throw a penny in a public fountain — but I want it to be a shiny penny, not some misshapen chunk of copper
but then they get upset when I say it’s a priority to me
I’m the guy that isn’t bothered by things, that’s easy going, that you can say whatever to and I’m fine, but like I express what I’d like to take some time out for to acccomplish something meaningful to myself and it’s understandably priority #4213 to everyone else,…
And I’m like that’s fine, but next year I’d like to be doing a different project, not spending year after year chasing the same thing. Like I’m not prolific like some full-time artists but I don’t want to take five years to complete a song
So I’m sitting here super disappointed and frustrated and people are like don’t worry about it, there’s always next year
… and while music is a creative endeavour, there is a whole lot of less fun actual work required to produce it
I took a week off to concentrate on it, so ofc my kid stayed home sick for most of that week. I’m attention deficit; I spend a boatload of creative time after midnight doing great creative things, but in life I need to get procedural and productive things done by like 2pm …
And yes, my home, my children and my full-time job obviously take rightful priority, at ~some~ point this passion needs a little air, a little attention, and ffs no matter what I do it just seems like that little fire that gets starved for oxygen
I have a lot going on in life with young kids and stuff, but I try and use a couple of songwriting contests as goals, as deadlines, as something to drive a passionate but completely optional part of my life … and yet it’s optional and part-time to other people, but relatively central to me
It’s probably stupid, but I have been very tense about a self-imposed deadline on a hobby thing and super stressed about not meeting that goal, even though it doesn’t matter to anyone but me.
Reposted byAvatar bastage42
So apparently the voter turnout for today's mayoral election in Mississauga was 25.71%. We have absolutely no chance of ever electing a government that works to improve the lives of its citizens - at any level - until more of us show up. This is embarrassing.
Mississauga’s 2024 By-election unofficial Carolyn Parrish was elected as Mayor of Mississauga and Natalie Hart was elected as Ward 5 Councillor.
Let’s see what the Jays can do to get out of this precarious situation
Reposted byAvatar bastage42
Glumly realizing that 3 months after Trump dies, there'll be some earnest op-ed saying, "The people who insist that Trump isn't dead are not 'crazy' or 'stupid,' as liberals like to call them. They are your friends, your relatives, your neighbors. Jim Smith, 56, a pool-drain salesman, is unsure..."
Avatar welcome! It’s sleepier here I find, but that’s also kind of welcome a lot of the time.
Reposted byAvatar bastage42
Reposted byAvatar bastage42
Reposted byAvatar bastage42
Donald Trump's next press conference will be from the Thirty Four Seasons
Reposted byAvatar bastage42
Holy shit, he was convicted on Covfefe Day
Reposted byAvatar bastage42
If I were worried about creeping fascism in America, I would honestly worry a bit more about this sort of thing.
Avatar saw this on the cursed site and thought you’d appreciate it