
Man, the Brussels airport might be the worst airport I've ever been in. It's taken over an hour just to get to passport control?
A bunch of Egyptian moms are about to get into a fistfight
Zurich is SO much better. Also avoid Charles De Gaulle and Frankfurt at all costs. Bon chance
Yeahhhhh I knew about those two but not BRU. Thank God for gold status though we'd still be trying to check bags. It's going to be EXTREMELY tight to get to our gate
That said, I've never seen whole families straight up cut in line like this? Some guy tried to body check past me and was very disappointed to learn that I'm much heavier than I am
That is a cultural thing. I damn near get in fistfights every time I depart Cairo airport and I am in the business line. I'm a big New Yorker with a bad attitude and people still test me
He was like "well we're very late" and I was like "yeah dude me too, back the fuck up" and he did 😂
You travel a ton & know your stuff, so I don't want to contradict you, but Frankfurt has been pretty much ideal every time I go through. Including the return from Delhi with my adopted son who was not yet an American Citizen
To be clear this is a moot point as I am currently on a plane in Brussels
I've had a couple less than ideal experiences in Frankfurt, but have traveled through there 25x in last several years and none in that time. Seems to be better now.
That's fair. Been through twice in the last three years and both times the transfer desk was nearly a two hour process but obvs ymmv
I'm stuck in London now and my primary takeaway is that I will never book a connecting flight in Europe ever again because all my problems could have been avoided by taking the Eurostar to London and getting on the nonstop to JFK
From Denver, the two main hubs to connect to the rest of Europe are Heathrow (British Airways) & Frankfurt (Lufthansa/United) and i always go through Frankfurt for a couple reasons, but that being one of them
Idgaf at this point, I'll fly into DC and rent a car. Get me to somewhere in the US and I can get myself home.
I second this. I did the Frankfurt connection last year and Heathrow this year. Frankfurt was smooth af.... Heathrow I got half my luggage the next day.
Heathrow is fantastic as long as you don't need your luggage for a few days
I am very glad we carried on these oil paintings but at this point I literally just want to not be in England anymore. Customer service at Heathrow has been deplorable given that there is literally no reason for us to not have left on time from BRU in the first place