Duke Kaboom

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Duke Kaboom


Filmmaker, Photographer, has opinions
Welp that's it, kids are both enrolled in NYC public schools. We tried very hard to give them a Catholic education. We didn't leave the church; the church left us. Closed the school and sold it for the real estate. Good job church, good effort driving congregants away.
Not quite sure how to feel about this...
Just told my kids they are spending October in Spain. I don't give a fuck about school they will learn more with me. Fuck you let's live in Sevilla. Go to the bullfights and Morocco. You gonna teach them more than I will?
Florent was a 24 hour French bistro in the Meat Packing District when they still processed meat and gangs of trans hookers prowled the streets. Turned me on to duck liver mousse, goat cheese and escargots when I was a dumb kid from the midwest. Used to end my nights w a 4AM dinner there. Ah, youth
Passing through Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Have thoughts about where to eat dinner but open to suggestions...?
Reposted byAvatar Duke Kaboom
Also, apropos of nothing, if I was a presidential candidate who was also the incumbent I would simply refuse to answer any questions that were not also asked exactly the same to my opponent.
Reposted byAvatar Duke Kaboom
An interesting question is why journalists don't see Donald Trump's command of the issues as relevant to the question of which candidate's mental acuity should be centered in media coverage of the campaign.
Whatever the verbal flubs, Biden’s command of the issues is sharp here. www.nytimes.com/live/2024/07...
Update from Michael Crowleywww.nytimes.com
Enough of this fuckery. Let's see that fat addle-brained asshole Trump stand up for just as long and answer just as many questions competently. Not a fucking chance
I worked on this. Director made it as an extremely violent black comedy. I introduced him to real mobsters who we hung out with for research. Film tested terribly, so much so that the studio pulled it, cut all the violence, added an animated rapping kangaroo and sold it as a kids film. True story
Oh man I've been waiting for this question for YEARS. The answer is Kangaroo Jack. This was the poster for Kangaroo Jack. The trailer for Kangaroo Jack made it seem like it was a funny adventure comedy about a kangaroo. Then you watch the movie - the kangaroo gets less than 90 seconds of screen time
Reading "Round Up The Usual Suspects" about the making of Casablanca. I had no idea Howard Koch contributed so much to the screenplay. His son Hawk Koch was one of my sponsors for the Academy. This pleases me more than I have words to express
Maybe those NYPD drones can look for a public library that can afford to open on the weekend
Parts of Rockaway Beach in Queens have been closed after NYPD drones spotted sharks in the water. NYPD deputy commissioner Kaz Daughtry later changed "jaws" to "a shark" in this tweet (there have since been two more sightings)(h/t Jake Offenhartz, AP)
My business is so damn hard. Offered a major job on Monday, meant months of work and significant money. Scrambled to button things up and leave on short notice. Today the gig fell apart and suddenly I have nothing. So it goes.
Rice discourse: I buy from this place which is AMAZING. Only place I know of in the States that sells imported Japanese sushi rice to the retail market. They polish to order at whatever grade you specify trf-ny.com
the rice factory NEW YORKtrf-ny.com First in NY!! Rice is milled after the order is placed. We also sell seasonings, rice toppings and useful goods
Reposted byAvatar Duke Kaboom
Bladdered one night, met a girl and went back to my place. Was sick all down her back. Next morning when I woke, shed gone and there was a turd on my chest. We've been married now for 12 years but our 'how we first met' story is quite different.
Jesu Christo. Not yet 06:00 and it is hot and muggy in NYC. Ugh
H is 11 today. Gave her my shirt from The Clash's final tour (she's a fan) and explained that cutting school to get tickets was the best choice I ever made. Got suspended (and ultimately expelled) but also saw one of the final shows of my favorite band. Life lessons, kids
In a million years I will not understand this: NYC Moms who see clearly that the light is changing against them and say fuck it, what's the worst that can happen. Push that stroller right in front of traffic expecting them to wait while you jaywalk. Cost benefit analysis is not your friend here
An early morning summer rain shower while I sit on the terrace having my coffee? Yes please