
if you get offended that i'm not allowing you to track new york city into my apartment i'm quite happy to let you keep the footwear on so you can walk elsewhere to go fuck yourself privately
hey, let’s check in on white people and see what they’re up to! oh.
like we are a shoes off household but i'm not militant about it, but it someone threw a strop about this that would be as good a sign as any that the person in question should never ever under any circumstances come back
I cannot imagine being fussed by the fact that my friends who care enough to invite me to their home want to live in a home free of city dirt.
Or want me to not break their things while I'm there. I'm just sitting here shaking my head.
It’s polite to go w the customs of the house. No shoes house? Sure. I’ll take them off. A friend's wife insists we take our shoes off *outside.* So, dirt-tracking via our socks. No bench. No place for shoes. Shoes get damp when it rains. All I ask is, make it convenient/easy to comply.
well that's just weird! First time I heard of that, usually everyone knows is take shoes of on entering. It seems to defeat the purpose to do it outside
I'm Canadian so the whole debate just weirds me out.
(Dirt, but also, in apartments, DOWNSTAIRS NEIGHBOURS. I can't with that kind of goldfish brain.)
We are a shoes off household. Growing up on a farm, you didn't wanna wear outdoor shoes indoors cause it would mean parents yelling at us and making us wash the floor. As an adult I just prefer the less mess.
Why will this American obsession with shoes in homes not die. lol. As a Canuck, & then a Canuck who went to Korea, I can never understand it. Hell around here people have to talk my disabled father who wears two braces and *needs* his shoes on to properly walk to leave his shoes on when he comes in.
I can only presume these people pay other people to clean their homes.
*Laughs in Asian* The shoes come off at the door...
Why are people such idiots. I’ve never had s problem with removing shoes. It SOP in some cultures, and not a bad one to adopt.