
Nothing weirds me out more than visiting friends in the US, and someone invites a cutthroat capitalist Cuban-American who has a passionate hatred for Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, and sees the Cuban Revolution as a "destruction" of his country, and the reason why his family had to flee the country.
And he goes on a long tirade about how socialism is "destroying" Cuba and he hopes that Fidel Castro and Che Guevara are rotting in hell, and you're just sitting there, as a socialist and a non Cuban, totally lost for words and wishing he'd finish his speech so you can quickly take your leave.
And when you try to speak and defend Cuban socialism, he goes on to play the "I'm Cuban and you're not" card, as a way of shutting you up. But you persist and let him know that just because he's succeeded in making a comfortable life for himself in the US via ...
... cutthroat capitalism, doesn't mean that that's what Cuba needs. Cuba needs the US to lift its boot from its neck, end the fucking embargo and stop meddling in Cuban politics. Cutthroat capitalist Cubans (who hate Cuba) in America are some of the strangest kinda people I've ever met. Weird stuff.
Cuba has literally been moving in a more Capitalist direction over the past few years and their economy has become worse than it was previously.