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Wow. So just read Barrett’s concurring opinion. Seemed like she had to do a good bit of work to concur, when not really agreeing with like any of the majority opinion. She even has to redefine immunity from what Roberts says, agreeing with what the govt said in the 1st place.
The correct response to Chevron being overturned is for every single environmental group to start filing millions of lawsuits, right now, today, arguing that various regulatory decisions didn't go far enough. Absolutely flood the zone.
I just listened to Sen. J. D. Vance’s floor speech in the Senate, and I think I am dumber. He said that a country that just lowered its draft eligibility from 27 to 25 has “Draconian” (pronounced wrong) conscription. (We are eligible for the draft at 18.)
I think Kevin O’Leary is real worried about the potential of prosecuting white collar fraud.
Has anyone considered that the Congressional GOP is eyeing a Govt Shutdown to try and keep delaying Trump’s federal court dates?
Maybe I am young and naive, but I swear there was a time when no matter what was going on, sitting Congressman would not continuously be calling the President weak on foreign policy, whether or not they agreed with a given course of action. (I’m not that young)
Wtf is wrong with Chip Roy. He’s talking about immigrants FROM THE WEST destroying “Western Civilization”. These people are so deranged.
End of feed.