
So, like, okay, the Times is now explicitly anti-Biden. Where the hell does it go from here? You already blew the load and called for him to step down, there's a lot of campaign time left, the actual debate impact doesn't look that significant... like what's the plan here going forward?
The "plan" is to say ANYTHING that slags Dems and elevates the fascist cause. Same plan they've had since the 30s.
No lie told, Ben. I'm assuming like all newspapers they went out of business thanks to the Internet. In order to not admit that fact, they turned to Russian money, and here we are: maybe we can call 'em NY Today, like a subsidiary of Russia Today?
I mean, New York flipped from Italian Mob control to Russian mob control under Giuliani, so you could say they know what New York Time it is. Can't fault 'em for knowing which criminals to obey.